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Last active May 22, 2017 07:53
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Swift extension that provides convenient shorthands for initializing `NSError` objects.
Provides convenient shorthands for initializing `NSError` objects.
extension NSError {
Same as `init(domain:code:userInfo:)`, but `domain` defaults to the app's
bundle indentifier.
convenience init(code: Int, userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) {
let bundleIdentifier = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier!
self.init(domain: bundleIdentifier, code: code, userInfo: userInfo)
Same as `init(code:userInfo:)`, but `userInfo` defaults to
`[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : localizedDescription]`. This is the shortest way
to initialize an NSError instance.
let error1 = NSError(code: -1, localizedDescription: "Something happened!")
let error2 = NSError(localizedDescription: "Something more happened!")
convenience init (code: Int = 0, localizedDescription:String) {
self.init(code: code, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : localizedDescription])
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I got tired of having to type NSError(domain: ???, code: ???, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "...."]) every time.

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