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PostgreSQL Serial/UUID as primary key benchmark
require "pg"
require "benchmark"
require "faker"
def say(msg)
puts msg
conn = PG.connect(dbname: "postgres")
tables = {
serial: {type: "SERIAL"},
bigserial: {type: "BIGSERIAL"},
uuid_ossp_v1mc: {type: "UUID", default: "uuid_generate_v1mc()"},
uuid_ossp_v4: {type: "UUID", default: "uuid_generate_v4()"},
pgcrypto: {type: "UUID", default: "gen_random_uuid()"},
# Create DB and tables.
conn.exec "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS benchmark_uuid_pk"
conn.exec "CREATE DATABASE benchmark_uuid_pk"
db = PG.connect(dbname: "benchmark_uuid_pk")
db.exec "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS \"uuid-ossp\""
tables.each do |table, opts|
default = ''
default = " DEFAULT #{opts[:default]}" if opts.key?(:default) && !opts[:default].nil?
db.exec <<-SQL
CREATE TABLE "#{table}" (
id #{opts[:type]} PRIMARY KEY#{default},
name TEXT,
email TEXT
# Populate tables and get informations.
say ""
say " Table | rows | size | index size | insert time (m) "
say "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
tables.keys.each do |table|
duration =
(1..10000).each do |i|
lines = []
(1..100).each do
lines << %(('#{db.escape_string(}', '#{db.escape_string(}'))
db.exec %(INSERT INTO #{table} (name, email) VALUES #{lines.join(", ")})
duration = - duration).gmtime.strftime("%R:%S")
trows = db.exec(%(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{table})).values.first.first
tsize = db.exec(%(SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('#{table}')))).values.first.first
isize = db.exec(%(SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('#{table}')))).values.first.first
say sprintf "%19s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %15s ", table, trows, tsize, isize, duration
db.exec <<-SQL
CREATE TABLE "#{table}" (
id #{opts[:type]} PRIMARY KEY#{default},
name TEXT,
email TEXT
# Populate tables and get informations.
say ""
say " Table | rows | size | index size | insert time (m) "
say "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
tables.keys.each do |table|
duration =
(1..10000).each do |i|
lines = []
(1..100).each do
lines << %(('#{db.escape_string(}', '#{db.escape_string(}'))
db.exec %(INSERT INTO #{table} (name, email) VALUES #{lines.join(", ")})
duration = - duration).gmtime.strftime("%R:%S")
trows = db.exec(%(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{table})).values.first.first
tsize = db.exec(%(SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('#{table}')))).values.first.first
isize = db.exec(%(SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('#{table}')))).values.first.first
say sprintf "%19s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %15s ", table, trows, tsize, isize, duration
# Remove databse.
conn.exec "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS benchmark_uuid_pk"

First time with 10 000 entries.

Table rows size  index size insert time (m)
serial 10000 752 kB 1024 kB 00:00:02
bigserial 10000 784 kB 1056 kB 00:00:01
uuid_ossp_v1mc 10000 864 kB 1224 kB 00:00:01
uuid_ossp_v4 10000 872 kB 1344 kB 00:00:01
pgcrypto 10000 864 kB 1320 kB 00:00:01

Second time with 10 000 entries.

Table rows size  index size insert time (m)
serial 10000 752 kB 1024 kB 00:00:02
bigserial 10000 784 kB 1056 kB 00:00:01
uuid_ossp_v1mc 10000 864 kB 1224 kB 00:00:01
uuid_ossp_v4 10000 864 kB 1328 kB 00:00:01
pgcrypto 10000 864 kB 1296 kB 00:00:01

First time with 1 000 000 entries.

Table rows size  index size insert time (m)
serial 1000000 73 MB 94 MB 00:03:01
bigserial 1000000 76 MB 98 MB 00:03:00
uuid_ossp_v1mc 1000000 84 MB 115 MB 00:03:03
uuid_ossp_v4 1000000 84 MB 123 MB 00:03:04
pgcrypto 1000000 84 MB 123 MB 00:03:05


Second time with 1 000 000 entries.

Table rows size  index size insert time (m)
serial 1000000 73 MB 94 MB 00:03:05
bigserial 1000000 76 MB 98 MB 00:03:03
uuid_ossp_v1mc 1000000 84 MB 127 MB 00:03:00
uuid_ossp_v4 1000000 84 MB 123 MB 00:03:03
pgcrypto 1000000 84 MB 123 MB 00:03:02
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Thank you for creating this!

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This is very useful thanks!

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