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Last active May 9, 2019 19:30
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  • Save nicodv/5bb910d55479f2bc2a0dee0ec1bbdf42 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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pip package upload checklist


  • Be inside the relevant virtualenv
  • virtualenv has the latest pip, setuptools, twine and wheel packages installed
  • Be inside the root of the relevant package
  • Have a .pypirc file in ~ (your home folder) that looks like:
    index-servers = pypi
    username = myuser
    password = mypassword


  1. Make code changes and check if your tests are passing locally
  2. Commit and upload to GitHub
  3. Check on GitHub if there are any new Codacy problems*
  4. Fix Codacy problems, and if necessary repeat 2 and 3
  5. Check on GitHub if Travis build succeeds**
  6. Fix Travis problems, and if necessary repeat 2 and 5
  7. If everything looks good, we can bump the version in the file and commit this.
  8. Now we create a tag with the new version number: git tag -a 0.1.0 -m "tag 0.1.0"
  9. Push to GitHub, making sure tags are also pushed: git push --follow-tags
  10. Remove old builds from local dist/ directory
  11. Build packages with: python sdist
  12. Double check if the resulting .tar.gz in /dist contains all the necessary files in the package, and if PKG-INFO looks okay
  13. Build wheel with: python bdist_wheel --universal
  14. Upload to Pypi with: twine upload dist/*

* Note that I'm using Codacy for keeping track of code quality. You can fill in in your preferred service, or ignore steps 3 and 4.

** Note that I'm using Travies as CI service. You can fill in in your preferred service, or ignore steps 5 and 6.

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