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Created July 15, 2016 14:54
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Setup CloudFoundry on GCP
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
gsutil cp gs://hd-labs-cfongcp/automation/ .
chmod 744 ./
source ./
echo "-----------Setting up Infrastructure for BOSH director and Cloud Foundry----------------"
gsutil cp gs://hd-labs-cfongcp/automation/ . && chmod 744 ./ && ./
gcloud compute ssh bosh-bastion --zone ${google_zone} --command "gsutil cp gs://hd-labs-cfongcp/automation/ . && chmod 744 ./ && ./"
ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine `gcloud compute instances describe bosh-bastion --zone ${google_zone} | grep natIP: | cut -f2 -d :` 'gsutil cp gs://hd-labs-cfongcp/automation/ . && chmod 744 ./ && ./'
echo "Setting dns record set"
gcloud dns record-sets transaction start -z ${dns_zone_name}
cf_address=`gcloud compute addresses describe cf | grep ^address: | cut -f2 -d' '`
gcloud dns record-sets transaction add --name * --ttl 300 --type A ${cf_address} -z ${dns_zone_name}
gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute -z ${dns_zone_name}
echo "Use CF CLI to login ...."
echo "cf login -a https://api.${cf_domain} -u admin -p c1oudc0w --skip-ssl-validation"
set -e
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