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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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F# Spacewar Exploration
type ly;
type s;
type Coordinate = {
x: float<ly>
y: float<ly>
z: float<ly>
let add coordinate1 coordinate2 = {
x = coordinate1.x + coordinate2.x
y = coordinate1.y + coordinate2.y
z = coordinate1.z + coordinate2.z
let subtract subtrahend minuend = {
x = minuend.x - subtrahend.x
y = minuend.y - subtrahend.y
z = minuend.z - subtrahend.z
let magnitude coordinate =
let x = ((float)coordinate.x ** 2.0 + (float)coordinate.y ** 2.0 + (float)coordinate.z ** 2.0) ** 0.5
LanguagePrimitives.FloatWithMeasure<ly> x
let divideScalar divisor dividend = {
x = dividend.x / (float)divisor
y = dividend.y / (float)divisor
z = dividend.z / (float)divisor
let multiplyScalar factor coordinate = {
x = coordinate.x * (float)factor
y = coordinate.y * (float)factor
z = coordinate.z * (float)factor
let normalize coordinate =
let magnitudeOfCoordinate =
|> magnitude
match magnitudeOfCoordinate with
| 0.0<ly> ->
| _ ->
|> divideScalar magnitudeOfCoordinate
type ShipId = ShipId of int
type Ship = {
Id: ShipId
Speed: float<ly/s>
type FleetId = FleetId of int
type FleetName = FleetName of string
type Fleet = {
Id: FleetId
Name: FleetName
Coordinates: Coordinate
Ships: Ship list
let speed fleet =
match fleet.Ships with
| [] ->
| _ ->
|> (fun ship -> ship.Speed)
|> List.min
let assign ship fleet =
{ fleet with Ships = ship :: fleet.Ships }
let unassign ship fleet =
{ fleet with Ships = fleet.Ships |> List.filter (fun x -> x <> ship) }
let moveTowards targetCoordinate (seconds:float<s>) fleet =
let distanceMoved = (fleet |> speed) * seconds
let movementVector =
|> subtract fleet.Coordinates
|> normalize
|> multiplyScalar distanceMoved
{ fleet with Coordinates = fleet.Coordinates |> add movementVector }
let coordinates = {
x = 0.0<ly>;
y = 0.0<ly>;
z = 0.0<ly>;
let targetCoordinates = {
x = 2.0<ly>;
y = 0.0<ly>;
z = 0.0<ly>;
let ship = {
Id = ShipId 1
Speed = 2.0<ly/s>
//let ship2 = {
// Id = ShipId 2
// Speed = Speed 2.0
let fleet = {
Id = FleetId 1
Name = FleetName "Boom"
Coordinates = coordinates
Ships = []
let fleet2 = fleet |> assign ship
//let fleet3 = fleet |> unassign ship
fleet2 |> moveTowards targetCoordinates 1.0<s>
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