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Last active July 26, 2024 10:32
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Python script to convert Google spreadsheets to simple JSON file and save it locally. Assumes your data is on the left-most sheet, ie the default. Spreadsheet needs to be 'published to the web'.
import simplejson as json
import requests
#your spreadsheet key here. I'm using an example from the Victorian election campaign
key = "1THJ6MgfEk-1egiPFeDuvs4qEi02xTpz4fq9RtO7GijQ"
#google api request urls - I'm doing the first one just to get nice key values (there's probably a better way to do this)
url1 = "" + key + "/od6/public/values?alt=json"
url2 = "" + key + "/od6/public/values?alt=json"
#get the json in cell format from google
ssContent1 = requests.get(url1).json()
#lists to store new keys and data
newKeys = []
newData = []
#make a list of the entries in the first row for nice keys
for item in ssContent1['feed']['entry']:
if item['gs$cell']['row'] == '1':
print newKeys
#get json in list format
ssContent2 = requests.get(url2).json()
#remap entries from having gsx$-prefixed keys to having no prefix, ie our first row as keys
for entry in ssContent2['feed']['entry']:
rowData = []
for key in newKeys:
rowData.append(entry['gsx$' + key]['$t'])
newData.append(dict(zip(newKeys, rowData)))
#print newData
#make it into a json object for writing to file or s3
newJson = json.dumps(newData)
print newJson
#saves the json file locally as output.json. you could do other stuff with it though, like put it on a server somewhere
with open('output.json','w') as fileOut:
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thedatadavis commented May 24, 2021

I found this helpful, thanks!

For others thinking of using: If you're like me and got a key error during the remapping after getting ssContent2, you can either ensure your columns are lower-cased in the spreadsheet or use .lower() on line 39.

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What needs to be refactored to use google sheet api v4?

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