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Created May 18, 2016 00:27
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let chance = require('chance').Chance();
let math = require('mathjs');
let newItem = function() {
return {
a: chance.natural({min: 1, max: 20}),
b: chance.pickone(['alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo']),
c: chance.pickset(['alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo'], 2),
d: chance.natural({min: 1, max: 2}),
sanity: 1
let list = []
let itemCount = process.argv[2]
let setSize = process.argv[3]
for (let i = itemCount; i > 0 ; i--) {
// ugly print generated list
// process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(list)+'\n')
// pretty print generated list
// process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(list, undefined, 2))
// Conditions in set of list
let probabilityOfThingsInSet = (function(list, setSize){
let conditions = [{
return item.d == 1
count: 1,
// conditions are ANDed together
return hypergeometricDistribution(cond.count, setSize, list.filter(cond.filter).length, list.length)
}).reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, currentIndex, array) {
return previousValue * currentValue
})(list, setSize)
process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(probabilityOfThingsInSet, undefined, 2)+'\n')
// hypergeometric distribution H (X, Y)
// H (n) = C (X, n) * C (Y - X, Z - n) / C (Y, Z)
// X stands for the number of a certain card that you have in the deck. countInList
// Y is the number of cards in the deck. listSize
// Z is the number of cards you are drawing. setSize
// N is the number you are checking for. countInSet
function hypergeometricDistribution(countInSet, setSize, countInList, listSize) {
if (countInList < countInSet) {
// console.log('countInSet %d, setSize %d, countInList %d, listSize %d', ...arguments)
// console.log('countInList %d is less than countInSet %d', countInList, countInSet)
return 1
if (listSize < setSize) {
// console.log('countInSet %d, setSize %d, countInList %d, listSize %d', ...arguments)
// console.log('list size %d is less than set size %d', listSize, setSize)
return 1
if (listSize-countInList < setSize-countInSet) {
// console.log('countInSet %d, setSize %d, countInList %d, listSize %d', ...arguments)
// console.log('(listSize-countInList) %d is less than (setSize-countInSet) %d', listSize-countInList, setSize-countInSet)
return 0
return math.combinations(countInList, countInSet) * math.combinations(listSize-countInList, setSize-countInSet) / math.combinations(listSize, setSize)
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