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Last active May 4, 2018 19:03
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stack layout inside of scrollview
<GridLayout rows="auto,*,auto">
<!-- Header -->
<StackLayout height="15%" row="0" width="60%" orientation="horizontal" horizontalAlignment="center">
<Image src="~/images/logo gezicht.png" stretch ="aspectFit"/>
<!-- Main -->
<ScrollView width="80%" row="1" orientation="vertical">
<DockLayout style="background-color: #d3d3d3" stretchLastChild="true">
<Label dock="top" text="Welcome, let us start with a few questions!" horizontalAlignment="center" class="pageLabel"/>
<StackLayout dock="top" width="85%" height="10" class="settingFieldHeader"></StackLayout>
<StackLayout class="settingField">
<Label text="What is your name?" class="questionLabel" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
<TextField text="{{ name }}" hint="Your name."/>
<!-- Footer -->
<StackLayout row="2" orientation="horizontal" horizontalAlignment="center">
<Button text="Next" class="nextButton" tap="saveButton"/>
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