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Last active December 14, 2022 14:06
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Write your own Dependency Injection container
* More complete example code accompanying Write Your Own Dependency Injection Container.
* This is the most straight forward implementation of the DI container. While there is
* slightly more boilerplate there are also more customization and documentation points.
* Author Nicolas Croad 2019
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#define CPP_17_LANG 201703L
#if __cplusplus >= CPP_17_LANG
// C++17 version of DILifetime.
// This lifetime object allocates services on the stack.
template <typename I, typename S>
class DILifetime {
template <typename... Args>
DILifetime( I*& member, Args&&... args )
: item_( std::forward<Args>( args )... ),
member_( &member )
*member_ = &item_;
DILifetime( const DILifetime& other ) = delete;
DILifetime& operator=( const DILifetime& other ) = delete;
DILifetime( const DILifetime&& other ) = delete;
DILifetime& operator=( const DILifetime&& other ) = delete;
~DILifetime() {
if( member_ )
*member_ = nullptr;
const S& getComponent() const { return item_; }
S& getComponent() { return item_; }
S item_;
I** member_ = nullptr;
// C++11 version of DILifetime.
// This lifetime object allocates services on the heap.
template <typename I, typename S>
class DILifetime {
template <typename... Args>
DILifetime( I*& member, Args&&... args )
: item_( new S( std::forward<Args>( args )... ) ),
member_( &member )
*member_ = item_.get();
DILifetime( const DILifetime& other ) = delete;
DILifetime& operator=( const DILifetime& other ) = delete;
DILifetime( DILifetime&& other )
: item_( std::move( other.item_ ) ),
member_( other.member_ )
other.member_ = nullptr;
DILifetime& operator=( DILifetime&& other )
item_ = std::move( other.item_ );
member_ = other.member_;
other.member_ = nullptr;
return *this;
~DILifetime() {
if( member_ )
*member_ = nullptr;
const S& getComponent() const { return *item_; }
S& getComponent() { return *item_; }
std::unique_ptr<S> item_;
I** member_ = nullptr;
// Long form version of the DI container for this example.
class DI {
// This interface is used for the basic example.
class DoThingPipeline* doThingPipeline_ = nullptr;
DoThingPipeline& getDoThingPipeline() const {
assert( doThingPipeline_ );
return *doThingPipeline_;
template <typename S = DoThingPipeline>
DILifetime<DoThingPipeline, S> installDoThingPipeline() {
assert( !doThingPipeline_ );
return DILifetime<DoThingPipeline, S>( doThingPipeline_ );
// These interfaces demonstrate de-virtualization performance.
class PowerFinder* powerFinder_ = nullptr;
class VirtualPowerFinder* virtualPowerFinder_ = nullptr;
class StaticPowerFinder* staticPowerFinder_ = nullptr;
// I have varied these functions in some ways. The
// PowerFinder getter only allows const access.
const PowerFinder& getPowerFinder() const {
assert( powerFinder_ );
return *powerFinder_;
VirtualPowerFinder& getVirtualPowerFinder() const {
assert( virtualPowerFinder_ );
return *virtualPowerFinder_;
StaticPowerFinder& getStaticPowerFinder() const {
assert( staticPowerFinder_ );
return *staticPowerFinder_;
template <typename S = PowerFinder>
DILifetime<PowerFinder, S> installPowerFinder() {
assert( !powerFinder_ );
return DILifetime<PowerFinder, S>( powerFinder_ );
// The Virtual power finder install doesn't have a default type.
template <typename S>
DILifetime<VirtualPowerFinder, S> installVirtualPowerFinder() {
assert( !virtualPowerFinder_ );
return DILifetime<VirtualPowerFinder, S>( virtualPowerFinder_ );
// The static power finder install will forward arguments to the constructor.
template <typename S = StaticPowerFinder, typename... Args>
DILifetime<StaticPowerFinder, S> installStaticPowerFinder( Args&&... args ) {
assert( !staticPowerFinder_ );
return DILifetime<StaticPowerFinder, S>( staticPowerFinder_, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
* Simple example of using DI continer in program code and test code.
class Thing { };
class ThingConfig { };
class DoThingPipeline {
virtual Thing completeDoingThing( const ThingConfig& config ) {
// Implementation details go here.
return Thing();
Thing makeSpecificThing( const DI& c )
ThingConfig config;
// ...
return c.getDoThingPipeline().completeDoingThing( config );
// This is the test code for the simple example.
class FakeDoThingPipeline : public DoThingPipeline {
Thing completeDoingThing( const ThingConfig& thingConfig ) override
return Thing();
// Yes, this is a very simplistic mocking technique
int completeDoingThingCalls = 0;
TEST_CASE( "Make specific thing does the thing" ) {
DI container;
auto doThingPipeline = container.installDoThingPipeline< FakeDoThingPipeline >();
Thing thing = makeSpecificThing( container );
REQUIRE( 1 == doThingPipeline.getComponent().completeDoingThingCalls );
* This second example demonstrates the effect of de-virtualization on performance.
class PowerFinder {
int calculatePower( int base, unsigned exponent ) const
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower( base, exponent - 1 ) * base;
class VirtualPowerFinder
virtual int calculatePower( int base, unsigned exponent ) const
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower( base, exponent - 1 ) * base;
class StaticPowerFinder
static int calculatePower( int base, unsigned exponent )
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower( base, exponent - 1 ) * base;
uint64_t findSquares( const DI& c )
uint64_t sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i )
sum += c.getPowerFinder().calculatePower( i, 2 );
return sum;
uint64_t findSquaresVirtual( const DI& c )
uint64_t sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i )
sum += c.getVirtualPowerFinder().calculatePower( i, 2 );
return sum;
uint64_t findSquaresStatic( const DI& c )
uint64_t sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i )
sum += c.getStaticPowerFinder().calculatePower( i, 2 );
return sum;
TEST_CASE( "Devirtualization of FindSquares", "[!benchmark]" )
DI container;
auto powerFinder = container.installPowerFinder();
auto virtualPowerFinder = container.installVirtualPowerFinder<VirtualPowerFinder>();
auto staticPowerFinder = container.installStaticPowerFinder();
SECTION( "When the return values are captured." )
uint64_t total = 0;
BENCHMARK( "No virtual function calls involved." )
total = findSquares( container );
BENCHMARK( "Virtual function calls involved." )
total = findSquaresVirtual( container );
BENCHMARK( "Static function calls involved." )
total = findSquaresStatic( container );
REQUIRE( total == 333283335000 );
SECTION( "When the return values are ignored." )
BENCHMARK( "No virtual function calls involved." )
findSquares( container );
BENCHMARK( "Virtual function calls involved." )
findSquaresVirtual( container );
BENCHMARK( "Static function calls involved." )
findSquaresStatic( container );
* More complete example code accompanying Write Your Own Dependency Injection Container.
* This version uses multiple inheritance to implement the DI container.
* Author Nicolas Croad 2019
#include <catch.hpp>
// Redundant include guards mark out contents of the DI container header file.
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
template <typename I, typename S>
class DILifetime {
template <typename... Args>
DILifetime(I*& member, Args&&... args)
: item_(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
*member_ = &item_;
DILifetime(const DILifetime& other) = delete;
DILifetime& operator=(const DILifetime& other) = delete;
DILifetime(const DILifetime&& other) = delete;
DILifetime& operator=(const DILifetime&& other) = delete;
~DILifetime() {
if (member_)
*member_ = nullptr;
const S& getComponent() const { return item_; }
S& getComponent() { return item_; }
S item_;
I** member_ = nullptr;
template <typename I>
class DIMember {
class I* service_ = nullptr;
I& get() const {
assert(service_ && "No interface of this type has been installed.");
return *service_;
template <typename S, typename... Args>
DILifetime<I, S> install(Args&&... args) {
assert(!service_ && "An interface of this type was previously installed.");
return DILifetime<I, S>(service_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
class DoThingPipeline;
class PowerFinder;
class VirtualPowerFinder;
class StaticPowerFinder;
* DI container using multiple inheritance to reduce boilerplate without
* using macros.
class DI : private DIMember<DoThingPipeline>,
private DIMember<PowerFinder>,
private DIMember<VirtualPowerFinder>,
private DIMember<StaticPowerFinder>
// Further contained interfaces go here...
template <typename I>
I& get() const {
return DIMember<I>::get();
template <typename I, typename S = I, typename... Args>
DILifetime<I, S> install( Args&&... args ) {
return DIMember<I>::install<I, S>( std::forward<Args>( args )... );
#endif // DI_CONTAINER_H
* Simple example of using DI continer in program code and test code.
class Thing { };
class ThingConfig { };
class DoThingPipeline {
virtual Thing completeDoingThing( const ThingConfig& config ) {
// Implementation details go here.
return Thing();
Thing makeSpecificThing( const DI& c )
ThingConfig config;
// ...
return c.get< DoThingPipeline >().completeDoingThing( config );
// This is the test code for the simple example.
class FakeDoThingPipeline : public DoThingPipeline {
Thing completeDoingThing( const ThingConfig& thingConfig ) override
return Thing();
// Yes, this is a very simplistic mocking technique
int completeDoingThingCalls = 0;
TEST_CASE("Make specific thing does the thing") {
DI container;
auto doThingPipeline = container.install< DoThingPipeline, FakeDoThingPipeline >();
Thing thing = makeSpecificThing( container );
REQUIRE( 1 == doThingPipeline.getComponent().completeDoingThingCalls );
* This second example demonstrates the effect of de-virtualization on performance.
class PowerFinder {
int calculatePower( int base, unsigned exponent ) const
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower( base, exponent - 1 ) * base;
class VirtualPowerFinder
virtual int calculatePower( int base, unsigned exponent ) const
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower( base, exponent - 1 ) * base;
class StaticPowerFinder
static int calculatePower( int base, unsigned exponent )
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower( base, exponent - 1 ) * base;
uint64_t findSquares( const DI& c )
uint64_t sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i )
sum += c.get< PowerFinder >().calculatePower( i, 2 );
return sum;
uint64_t findSquaresVirtual( const DI& c )
uint64_t sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i )
sum += c.get< VirtualPowerFinder >().calculatePower( i, 2 );
return sum;
uint64_t findSquaresStatic( const DI& c )
uint64_t sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i )
sum += c.get< StaticPowerFinder >().calculatePower( i, 2 );
return sum;
TEST_CASE( "Devirtualization of FindSquares", "[!benchmark]" )
DI container;
auto powerFinder = container.install< PowerFinder >();
auto virtualPowerFinder = container.install< VirtualPowerFinder, VirtualPowerFinder >();
auto staticPowerFinder = container.install< StaticPowerFinder >();
SECTION( "When the return values are captured." )
uint64_t total = 0;
BENCHMARK( "No virtual function calls involved." )
total = findSquares( container );
BENCHMARK( "Virtual function calls involved." )
total = findSquaresVirtual( container );
BENCHMARK( "Static function calls involved." )
total = findSquaresStatic( container );
REQUIRE( total == 333283335000 );
SECTION( "When the return values are ignored." )
BENCHMARK( "No virtual function calls involved." )
findSquares( container );
BENCHMARK( "Virtual function calls involved." )
findSquaresVirtual( container );
BENCHMARK( "Static function calls involved." )
findSquaresStatic( container );
* More complete example code accompanying Write Your Own Dependency Injection Container.
* This version uses a macro to implement the DI container members.
* Author Nicolas Croad 2019
#include <catch.hpp>
// Redundant include guards mark out contents of the DI container header file.
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
template <typename I, typename S>
class DILifetime {
template <typename... Args>
DILifetime(I*& member, Args&&... args)
: item_(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
*member_ = &item_;
DILifetime(const DILifetime& other) = delete;
DILifetime& operator=(const DILifetime& other) = delete;
DILifetime(const DILifetime&& other) = delete;
DILifetime& operator=(const DILifetime&& other) = delete;
~DILifetime() {
if (member_)
*member_ = nullptr;
const S& getComponent() const { return item_; }
S& getComponent() { return item_; }
S item_;
I** member_ = nullptr;
#define JOIN_TOKENS(token1, token2) token1##token2
// This is used to add interfaces into the DI container.
#define DEFINE_INTERFACE(InterfaceType, interfaceName) \
private: \
class InterfaceType* interfaceName = nullptr; \
public: \
InterfaceType& JOIN_TOKENS(get, InterfaceType)() const \
{ \
assert(interfaceName); \
return *interfaceName; \
} \
template <typename S = InterfaceType, typename... Args> \
DILifetime<InterfaceType, S> JOIN_TOKENS(install, InterfaceType)(Args&&... args) \
{ \
assert(!interfaceName); \
return DILifetime<InterfaceType, S>(interfaceName, std::forward<Args>( args )...); \
// Short form version of the DI container, just lists the types.
class DI {
DEFINE_INTERFACE(DoThingPipeline, doThingPipeline_);
DEFINE_INTERFACE(PowerFinder, powerFinder_);
DEFINE_INTERFACE(VirtualPowerFinder, virtualPowerFinder_);
DEFINE_INTERFACE(StaticPowerFinder, staticPowerFinder_);
// Further contained interfaces go here...
#endif // DI_CONTAINER_H
* Simple example of using DI continer in program code and test code.
class Thing { };
class ThingConfig { };
class DoThingPipeline {
virtual Thing completeDoingThing( const ThingConfig& config ) {
// Implementation details go here.
return Thing();
Thing makeSpecificThing( const DI& c )
ThingConfig config;
// ...
return c.getDoThingPipeline().completeDoingThing( config );
// This is the test code for the simple example.
class FakeDoThingPipeline : public DoThingPipeline {
Thing completeDoingThing( const ThingConfig& thingConfig ) override
return Thing();
// Yes, this is a very simplistic mocking technique
int completeDoingThingCalls = 0;
TEST_CASE("Make specific thing does the thing") {
DI container;
auto doThingPipeline = container.installDoThingPipeline< FakeDoThingPipeline >();
Thing thing = makeSpecificThing( container );
REQUIRE( 1 == doThingPipeline.getComponent().completeDoingThingCalls );
* This second example demonstrates the effect of de-virtualization on performance.
class PowerFinder {
int calculatePower(int base, unsigned exponent) const
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower(base, exponent - 1) * base;
class VirtualPowerFinder
virtual int calculatePower(int base, unsigned exponent) const
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower(base, exponent - 1) * base;
class StaticPowerFinder
static int calculatePower(int base, unsigned exponent)
return exponent == 0
? 1
: calculatePower(base, exponent - 1) * base;
uint64_t findSquares(const DI& c)
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
sum += c.getPowerFinder().calculatePower(i, 2);
return sum;
uint64_t findSquaresVirtual(const DI& c)
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
sum += c.getVirtualPowerFinder().calculatePower(i, 2);
return sum;
uint64_t findSquaresStatic(const DI& c)
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
sum += c.getStaticPowerFinder().calculatePower(i, 2);
return sum;
TEST_CASE("Devirtualization of FindSquares", "[!benchmark]")
DI container;
auto powerFinder = container.installPowerFinder();
auto virtualPowerFinder = container.installVirtualPowerFinder<VirtualPowerFinder>();
auto staticPowerFinder = container.installStaticPowerFinder();
SECTION("When the return values are captured.")
uint64_t total = 0;
BENCHMARK("No virtual function calls involved.")
total = findSquares(container);
BENCHMARK("Virtual function calls involved.")
total = findSquaresVirtual(container);
BENCHMARK("Static function calls involved.")
total = findSquaresStatic(container);
REQUIRE(total == 333283335000);
SECTION("When the return values are ignored.")
BENCHMARK("No virtual function calls involved.")
BENCHMARK("Virtual function calls involved.")
BENCHMARK("Static function calls involved.")
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