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Created April 6, 2018 15:42
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Send olsr name service announcements with Python.
This module allows sending OLSR v1 messages to announce host names.
You can find more information here:
import struct
import socket
def get_olsr_name_announcement_message(originator_ip, hostname, host_ip, sequence_number):
"""Return a message which announces a given name on the network.
- originator_ip the IP from which this message is supposed to be sent.
Since this service might be running in a docker container, this should be the client IP
in the community network where this service is reachable.
- host_name is the name of the host we want to announce.
- host_ip is the IP of the host we want to announce.
This should be the same as the originator_ip if the service wants to announce its hostname.
- sequence_number is the number of packets sent before.
# assumptions
# -----------
# 1. Each packet only transports one message.
# Therefore, the message sequence number and the packet sequence number are identical.
packet_sequence_number = message_sequence_number = sequence_number
padding = ((-len(hostname)) % 4)
# Wireshark field identifier
message = struct.pack(">H", 40 + len(hostname) + padding) # Packet Length
message += struct.pack(">H", packet_sequence_number & 65535) # Packet Sequence Number
message += b"\x82" # Message Type: Nameservice
message += b"\xce" # Validity Time: 1792,000 seconds
message += struct.pack(">H", 36 + len(hostname) + padding) # Message : length of the one contained message
message += socket.inet_aton(originator_ip) # Originator Address
message += b"\xff" # TTL : 255
message += b"\x00" # Hop Count : 0
message += struct.pack(">H", message_sequence_number & 65535) # : Message Sequence Number
message += b"\x00\x01" # Version : 1
message += b"\x00\x01" # Count : 1
# Nameservice Host embedded message
message += b"\x00\x00" # Message Type : Host (0)
message += struct.pack(">H", len(hostname)) # Length
message += socket.inet_aton(host_ip) # Address
message += b"\x00" * 12
message += hostname.encode() # Content
message += b"\x00" * padding
return message
class OLSR_NameService:
"""This service announces the given names for the ip addresses."""
def __init__(self, originator_ip, announce_to_ips):
"""Create a new OLSR v1 name service announcer with ips to announce it to."""
self.originator_ip = originator_ip
self.announce_to_ips = announce_to_ips
self.packets_sent = 0
# from
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
self.announcement_to_message_id = set()
def add_entry(self, ip, hostname):
"""Add the ip and its hostname to the announcements."""
self.announcement_to_message_id.add((ip, hostname))
def remove_entry(self, ip, hostname):
"""Remove a specific announcement."""
self.announcement_to_message_id.pop((ip, hostname), None)
def announce(self):
"""Announce the entries."""
for ip, hostname in self.announcement_to_message_id:
packet = get_olsr_name_announcement_message(self.originator_ip, hostname, ip, self.packets_sent)
self.packets_sent += 1
for destination in self.announce_to_ips:
self.socket.sendto(packet, ((destination, OLSR_PORT) if isinstance(destination, str) else destination))
if __name__ == "__main__":
service = OLSR_NameService("", ["", "", ""])
service.add_entry("", "")
while not input("Press ENTER to send, space and ENTER to quit: "):
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