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Created April 24, 2022 03:05
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open import Agda.Builtin.Int using (Int; pos)
open import Data.Bool using (T)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Data.Product using (_×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_; _[_]=_; here; there; _++_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (True; isYes)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
data JvmType : Set where
int long float double ref : JvmType
_≟_ : (a : JvmType) (b : JvmType) Dec (a ≡ b)
int ≟ int = yes refl
int ≟ long = no λ()
int ≟ float = no λ()
int ≟ double = no λ()
int ≟ ref = no λ()
long ≟ int = no λ()
long ≟ long = yes refl
long ≟ float = no λ()
long ≟ double = no λ()
long ≟ ref = no λ()
float ≟ int = no λ()
float ≟ long = no λ()
float ≟ float = yes refl
float ≟ double = no λ()
float ≟ ref = no λ()
double ≟ int = no λ()
double ≟ long = no λ()
double ≟ float = no λ()
double ≟ double = yes refl
double ≟ ref = no λ()
ref ≟ int = no λ()
ref ≟ long = no λ()
ref ≟ float = no λ()
ref ≟ double = no λ()
ref ≟ ref = yes refl
infixl 20 _,_
data OperandStack : Set where
empty : OperandStack
_,_ : OperandStack JvmType OperandStack
Locals : Set
Locals = Vec JvmType
infix 4 _[_]≟_
_[_]≟_ : {n : ℕ} (v : Locals n) (i : Fin n) (a : JvmType) Dec (v [ i ]= a)
_[_]≟_ (x ∷ xs) zero a with x ≟ a
... | yes x≡a rewrite x≡a = yes here
... | no ¬x≡a = no λ { here ¬x≡a refl }
_[_]≟_ (x ∷ xs) (suc n) a with xs [ n ]≟ a
... | yes xsn≡a = yes (there xsn≡a)
... | no ¬xsn≡a = no λ { (there xsn≡a) ¬xsn≡a xsn≡a }
data SequentialCode {n : ℕ} (l : Locals n) : OperandStack OperandStack Set where
iconst : {s} Int SequentialCode l s (s , int)
iadd : {s} SequentialCode l (s , int , int) (s , int)
iload : {s} (i : Fin n) {True (l [ i ]≟ int)} SequentialCode l s (s , int)
istore : {s} (i : Fin n) {True (l [ i ]≟ int)} SequentialCode l (s , int) s
_,_ : {s t u} SequentialCode l s t SequentialCode l t u SequentialCode l s u
BasicBlockRef : Set
BasicBlockRef = Fin
data Jump (bc : ℕ) : OperandStack OperandStack Set where
ifICmpEq : {s} BasicBlockRef bc × BasicBlockRef bc Jump bc (s , int , int) s
ireturn : {s} Jump bc (s , int) s
data BasicBlock {n : ℕ} (l : Locals n) (bc : ℕ) : Set where
_,_ : {s} SequentialCode l empty s Jump bc s empty BasicBlock l bc
record Method {n : ℕ} (args : Locals n) : Set where
localsCount :
locals : Locals localsCount
blockCount :
blocks : Vec (BasicBlock (args ++ locals) blockCount) blockCount
simpleFunc : Method []
simpleFunc =
{ localsCount = _
; locals = int ∷ float ∷ long ∷ []
; blockCount = _
; blocks =
iconst (pos 1) ,
iload zero ,
iadd ,
istore zero ,
iload zero ,
iconst (pos 100) ,
ifICmpEq (⟨ suc zero , zero ⟩)
iload zero ,
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