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Last active August 26, 2024 15:40
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Run a Headless Android Device on Ubuntu server (no GUI)
#!/bin/bash -i
#using shebang with -i to enable interactive mode (auto load .bashrc)
set -e #stop immediately if any error happens
# Install Open SDK
apt update
apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y
update-java-alternatives --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
java -version
# Install SDK Manager
# you can find this file at - section command line only
cd ~ && wget
mkdir -p $ANDROID_HOME
apt install unzip -y && unzip -d $ANDROID_HOME
echo "export ANDROID_HOME=$ANDROID_HOME" >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export SDK=$ANDROID_HOME' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$SDK/emulator:$SDK/tools:$SDK/tools/bin:$SDK/platform-tools:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# Install Android Image version 28
yes | sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28" "emulator"
yes | sdkmanager "system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86_64"
emulator -version
echo "run [new device name] to start emulator"
#!/bin/bash -i
#using shebang with -i to enable interactive mode (auto load .bashrc)
#this script was inspired from
set -e #stop immediately if any error happens
if [[ -z "$avd_name" ]]; then
#check if emulator work well
emulator -version
# create virtual device, default using Android 9 Pie image (API Level 28)
echo no | avdmanager create avd -n avd28 -k "system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86_64"
# start the emulator
emulator -avd avd28 -no-audio -no-window &
# show connected virtual device
adb devices
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Zebiano commented Mar 12, 2021

I'm surprised this actually worked, thank you very much!

I did get a warning saying the emulator is out of date. Is there an easy way to update it?

I also installed adb with apt install adb as I wasn't being able to test for devices. After installing it I saw the emulator, but when I tried to run again, I got a emulator: command not found error. Any idea on how to fix that?

And lastly, how can I actually turn the emulator off?

EDIT: I'm an idiot, forgot to run commands with sudo. That fixed the emulator: command not found error. Yet running yields

Error: Android Virtual Device 'avd28' already exists.remote repository...
Use --force if you want to replace it.

Any idea on what's going on here? I've since killed the emulator with sudo kill <pid>.

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nhtua commented Mar 12, 2021

you can add --force to line 17 to delete the existing one and create another new one. It will a little slow you down but it should work.

To stop, you need command

# get emulator name
adb devices

# stop emulator
adb -s emulator-name emu kill


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Armatix commented Jul 2, 2021

For the future:
if you get this error:
emulator: ERROR: x86_64 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
add -no-accel to your command:
emulator -avd avd28 -no-audio -no-window -no-accel &

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Thanks for putting this together. Is it possible to start an Android GUI that I can connect to with something like VNC?

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Thank you armatix! This saved me a few headaches today!

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joaociocca commented Jan 21, 2022

when I get to the yes | sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28" "emulator" part, I get a Warning: Failed to read or create install properties file. error... any ideas?

I got to create an avd, but when I try to run it, I get another error: PANIC: Cannot find AVD system path. Please define ANDROID_SDK_ROOT

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Warning: Failed to read or create install properties file.

This Command solved my issue


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drizzt commented Aug 24, 2022

it's not really headless since Android SDK qemu-system-x86_64 requires some X libraries and Qt

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mirao commented Oct 8, 2022

Two more things I needed to do in a virtual machine (KVM) with Ubuntu 22.04.1 server to get working emulator in headless mode

  • sudo gpasswd -a $USER kvm
  • sudo apt install libgl1

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Djuk1c commented Dec 24, 2022

I cannot install anything, it gives me the
Error: Could not access the Package Manager. Is the system running?
Its because the emulator hasnt booted completely, for anyone reading you can check that with:
adb shell getprop init.svc.bootanim

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To take advantage of the use of the argument variable "avd_name", you have to modify line 17 and line 20

echo no | avdmanager create avd -n avd28 -k "system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86_64"


echo no | avdmanager create avd -n $avd_name -k "system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86_64"


emulator -avd avd28 -no-audio -no-window &


emulator -avd $avd_name -no-audio -no-window &

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Is there a way to install an apk in this script?

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Do anyone else continuously get: E0215 06:40:33.890416 14040 FrameBuffer.cpp:3736] Failed to find ColorBuffer:0

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nson22 commented Jul 29, 2024

Is there a way to install an apk in this script?

I think you can add adb -s <emaultor_name> install <apk_name.apk>

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I figured that out, thanks @nson22 !

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