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Created April 7, 2009 10:01
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`cat ~/.bash_aliases | egrep '^alias' | sed 's/alias//'`.split("\n").each do |line|
parts = line.strip.split(/=/)
name, cmd = parts[0], parts[1].gsub(/('|")/,'')
file = '/home/%s/.config/fish/functions/' % [`whoami`.strip, name]
content = [ 'function %s' % name, ' %s $argv;' % cmd, 'end' ].join("\n"), 'w+'){|io| io.write(content) }
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airbugg commented Sep 4, 2018

This was exactly what I was looking for, and it worked flawlessly (after modifying the relevant paths, of course.)

Thank you so much!

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ipstone commented Nov 5, 2018

why not juse copying .bash_aliases and then convert '&&' to '; and' ('||' to ; or)? It works for mosf of my bash_aliases?

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