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Last active December 20, 2015 22:29
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  • Save ngcrawford/6205554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ngcrawford/6205554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'formula'
class Openblas64Julia < Formula
homepage ''
# Maintainers, remember to update the LAPACK url in OpenblasLapack above.
# See the "LAPACK_URL" in the openblas Makefile for the right version.
url ''
sha1 'c62ab98dae8ac6d49c367235033180ef72dd7bbd'
head "", :branch => "develop"
# OS X provides the Accelerate.framework, which is a BLAS/LAPACK impl.
keg_only :provided_by_osx
def install
# Must call in two steps
system "make", "FC=#{ENV['FC']}", "INTERFACE64=1"
system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install"
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