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Created February 19, 2018 17:36
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from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
birthdays = {
'George Washington': date(1732, 2, 22),
' John Adams': date(1735, 10, 30),
'Thomas Jefferson': date(1743, 4, 13),
'James Madison': date(1751, 3, 16),
'James Monroe': date(1758, 4, 28),
'Andrew Jackson': date(1767, 3, 15),
'John Quincy Adams': date(1767, 7, 11),
'William Henry Harrison': date(1773, 2, 9),
'Martin Van Buren': date(1782, 12, 5),
'Zachary Taylor': date(1784, 11, 24),
' John Tyler': date(1790, 3, 29),
'James Buchanan': date(1791, 4, 23),
'James K. Polk': date(1795, 11, 2),
'Millard Fillmore': date(1800, 1, 7),
'Franklin Pierce': date(1804, 11, 23),
'Andrew Johnson': date(1808, 12, 29),
'Abraham Lincoln': date(1809, 2, 12),
'Ulysses S. Grant': date(1822, 4, 27),
'Rutherford B. Hayes': date(1822, 10, 4),
'Chester A. Arthur': date(1829, 10, 5),
'James A. Garfield': date(1831, 11, 19),
'Benjamin Harrison': date(1833, 8, 20),
'Grover Cleveland': date(1837, 3, 18),
'William McKinley': date(1843, 1, 29),
'Woodrow Wilson': date(1856, 12, 28),
'William H. Taft': date(1857, 9, 15),
'Theodore Roosevelt': date(1858, 10, 27),
'Warren G. Harding': date(1865, 11, 2),
'Calvin Coolidge': date(1872, 7, 4),
'Herbert Hoover': date(1874, 8, 10),
'Franklin D. Roosevelt': date(1882, 1, 30),
'Harry S. Truman': date(1884, 5, 8),
'Dwight D. Eisenhower': date(1890, 10, 14),
'Lyndon B. Johnson': date(1908, 8, 27),
'Ronald Reagan': date(1911, 2, 6),
'Richard Nixon': date(1913, 1, 9),
'Gerald Ford': date(1913, 7, 14),
'John F. Kennedy': date(1917, 5, 29),
'George H. W. Bush': date(1924, 6, 12),
'Jimmy Carter': date(1924, 10, 1),
'Donald Trump': date(1946, 6, 14),
'George W. Bush': date(1946, 7, 6),
'Bill Clinton': date(1946, 8, 19),
'Barack Obama': date(1961, 8, 4)
total = 0
count = 0
for pres in birthdays:
total += birthdays[pres].timetuple().tm_yday
count += 1
print('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format(pres, birthdays[pres], birthdays[pres].isoformat(), birthdays[pres].timetuple().tm_yday).expandtabs(23))
average = total / count
print('\nAVERAGE ::: {} ::: {}'.format(average, datetime(2017, 1, 1) + timedelta(average - 1)))
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