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Created October 23, 2012 08:12
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#iOSonRailsConf 2013 web site translations
# > this is a name, right? no need to translate?
# Yes, @RobotInTheCloak is the name of our small team, but we try to translate it so people know it in their native language
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot in the Cloak"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Eine Konferenz für Ruby on Rails und iOS-Entwickler aus aller Welt, die im Frühjahr 2013 in Aluschta stattfinden wird."
site_description_short: "Ruby on Rails und iOS-Entwickler Konferenz."
site_keywords: "Ruby, Rails, ios, Entwickler, Konferenz, 2013, Web, Handy, iphone, ipad, ipod"
# > Sounds fairly weird in German. Are these meant to be used like tag lines?
# They are as cinema-ad
two_days: "2 sehr interessante Tage"
two_platforms: "2 große Plattformen"
# > This sentence is already pretty bumpy in the English version. What are you trying to express?
# That's @lights's quote
about_content_1: "Ruby-Entwickler neigen dazu neugierig zu sein, wenn es zu Technologie kommt. Wir lieben zu erforschen und wir haben oft Backends für iPhone / iOS Frontends zu schreiben."
about_content_2: "Allerdings haben Rails und iOS mehr gemeinsam, als wir wissen."
# > Isn’t this a Twitter handle you’re using on the site?
# Yes
about_content_3: "elight"
# > Also a tad funny (stiff) IMO
# What would you suggest?
where_content_1: "Lasst uns unsere ‘Best Practices’ teilen!"
where_content_2: "Im Frühjahr 2013, hier:"
# > Do you maybe need to/want to mention the country here?
# No, we'd like to leave a surprise here :)
alushta_ukraine: "Aluschta, Krim"
organizers: "Die Organisatoren"
organizer: "organisiert von"
in_partnership_with: "in Partnerschaft mit"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hotel"
like: "Gefällt mir!"
sits_on_facebook: "sitzt auf Facebook"
sits_on_iphone: "sitzt auf iphone in twitter und instagram"
# > Again, the English version is a bit rough
# I think all versions are such just becouse we wanted to have simple sentences, as in comics book, to make it easier to get the idea )
lets_subscribe: "Lass uns den Newsletter abonnieren, Kollege."
agree_and_interested: "Einverstanden, ich interessiere mich für..."
subscribe: "subscribe"
unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe"
enter_your_email: "Geben Sie einfach Ihre E-Mail Adresse ein"
thank_you: "Danke"
email_us: "Schreiben Sie uns"
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot in the Cloak"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Alushta conference for Ruby on Rails and iOS developers from all of the world, which will take place in the spring of 2013."
site_description_short: "Alushta Ruby on Rails and iOS Developers Conference 2013."
site_keywords: "ruby, rails, ios, developer, conference, 2013, web, mobile, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "2 most interesting days"
two_platforms: "2 great platforms"
about_content_1: "Ruby developers tend to be technology-curious. We love to explore. We also, often, find ourselves writing back ends to iPhone/iOS front ends."
about_content_2: "However, Rails and iOS have more in common than we may know."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "Let’s share best practices!"
where_content_2: "In the spring of 2013 here:"
alushta_ukraine: "Alushta, Crimea"
organizers: "organizers"
organizer: "organized by"
in_partnership_with: "in partnership with"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hotel"
like: "Like!"
sits_on_facebook: "sits on facebook"
sits_on_iphone: "sits on iphone in twitter and instagram"
lets_subscribe: "Let's subscribe to the news, colleague."
agree_and_interested: "Agree, I'm interested in..."
subscribe: "subscribe"
unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe"
enter_your_email: "enter your email"
thank_you: "Thank you"
email_us: "Email us"
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot en la Capa"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Alushta conferencia para Ruby on Rails y los desarrolladores de iOS de todo el mundo, que tendrá lugar en la primavera de 2013."
site_description_short: "Ruby on Rails y desarrolladores de iOS Alushta conferencia 2013."
site_keywords: "ruby, rails, ios, desarrollador, conferencia, 2013, web, móvil, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "2 días más interesantes"
two_platforms: "2 grandes plataformas"
about_content_1: "Los desarrolladores de Ruby tienden a ser tecnológicamente curiosa Nos encanta explorar También, a menudo, nos encontramos escribiendo la parte final de los extremos delanteros iPhone/iOS."
about_content_2: "Sin embargo, Rails y iOS tienen más en común de lo que se puede saber."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "Vamos a compartir las mejores prácticas!"
where_content_2: "En la primavera de 2013 aquí:"
alushta_ukraine: "Alushta, Crimea"
organizers: "organizadores"
organizer: "organizada por"
in_partnership_with: "en asociación con"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hotel"
like: "Me gusta!"
sits_on_facebook: "sentado en facebook"
sits_on_iphone: "sentado en el iPhone en Twitter y Instagram"
lets_subscribe: "Vamos a suscribirse a las noticias, colega."
agree_and_interested: "De acuerdo, estoy interesado en..."
subscribe: "subscribe"
unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe"
thank_you: "Gracias"
email_us: "Email us"
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot in viitta"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Alushta konferenssi Ruby on Rails ja iOS kehittäjät kaikkialta maailmasta, mikä tapahtuu keväällä 2013."
site_description_short: "Ruby on Rails ja iOS kehittäjille Alushta konferenssi 2013."
site_keywords: "Ruby, Rails, iOS, kehittäjä, konferenssi, 2013, web, mobiili, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "2 mielenkiintoisimmat päivää"
two_platforms: "2 suurta alustoja"
about_content_1: "Ruby kehittäjät yleensä teknologiaan utelias. Rakastamme tutkia. myös, usein löydämme itsemme kirjallisesti takaisin päättyy iPhone / iOS etuosien."
about_content_2: "Kuitenkin, Rails ja iOS on enemmän yhteistä kuin me voi tietää."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "Katsotaanpa jakaa parhaita käytäntöjä!"
where_content_2: "Keväällä 2013 tässä:"
alushta_ukraine: "Alushta, Krim"
organizers: "järjestäjät"
organizer: "järjestämä"
in_partnership_with: "yhdessä"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hotel"
like: "Like!"
sits_on_facebook: "istuu facebookissa"
sits_on_iphone: "istuu iPhone Twitterissä ja Instagram"
lets_subscribe: "Mennään tilata uutisia, kollega."
agree_and_interested: "Hyväksyn, olen kiinnostunut..."
subscribe: "tilaa"
unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe"
enter_your_email: "kirjoita sähköpostiosoite"
thank_you: "Kiitos"
email_us: "Lähetä meidät"
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot dans la cape"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Conférence Alushta pour Ruby on Rails et développeurs iOS de tout le monde, qui aura lieu au printemps 2013."
site_description_short: "Ruby on Rails et iOS développeurs Alushta Conférence de 2013."
site_keywords: "ruby, rails, ios, développeur, conférence, 2013, web, mobile, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "2 jours plus intéressantes"
two_platforms: "2 plates-formes grand"
about_content_1: "Les développeurs de Ruby ont tendance à être curieux technologie Nous aimons explorer Nous aussi, souvent, nous trouvons écrit se termine vers frontaux iPhone / iOS."
about_content_2: "Toutefois, Rails et iOS ont plus en commun que nous pouvons connaître."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "Nous allons partager les meilleures pratiques!"
where_content_2: "Au printemps de 2013, ici:"
alushta_ukraine: "Alouchta, Crimée"
organizers: "organisateurs"
organizer: "organisé par"
in_partnership_with: "en partenariat avec"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hôtel"
like: "J'aime!"
sits_on_facebook: "se trouve sur facebook"
sits_on_iphone: "se trouve sur iphone dans twitter et instagram"
lets_subscribe: "Abonnez-vous aux nouvelles, un collègue."
agree_and_interested: "D'accord, je suis intéressé par..."
subscribe: "subscribe"
unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe"
enter_your_email: "entrez votre email"
thank_you: "Merci"
email_us: "Écrivez-nous"
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot nel Mantello"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Conferenza Alushta per Ruby on Rails e gli sviluppatori iOS da tutto il mondo, che si svolgerà nella primavera del 2013."
site_description_short: "Ruby on Rails e sviluppatori iOS Alushta conferenza 2013."
site_keywords: "ruby, rails, ios, sviluppatore, conferenza, 2013, web, mobile, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "2 giorni più interessanti"
two_platforms: "2 grandi piattaforme"
about_content_1: "Gli sviluppatori di Ruby tendono ad essere tecnologicamente curiosi Ci piace esplorare anche, spesso, ci troviamo scrivendo back end per iPhone/iOS front-end."
about_content_2: "Tuttavia, Rails e iOS hanno più in comune di quanto si può sapere."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "Facciamo condividere le migliori pratiche!"
where_content_2: "Nella primavera del 2013 qui:"
alushta_ukraine: "Alushta, Crimea"
organizers: "organizzatori"
organizer: "organizzata da"
in_partnership_with: "in collaborazione con"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hotel"
like: "Come!"
sits_on_facebook: "si siede su facebook"
sits_on_iphone: "si siede su iphone in twitter e instagram"
lets_subscribe: "Andiamo iscriverti alla collega notizie."
agree_and_interested: "D'accordo, io sono interessato a..."
subscribe: "subscribe"
unsubscribe: "Cancella"
enter_your_email: "il tuo indirizzo email"
thank_you: "Grazie"
email_us: "E-mail a noi"
robot_in_the_cloak: "クロークのロボット"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "2013年春に開催される全世界からのRailsとiOSの開発者でRuby用アルシタ会議、。"
site_description_short: "Ruby on Railsの開発者とiOSアルシタ会議2013."
site_keywords: "ruby, rails, ios, 開発者は、会議室、2013年、ウェブ、携帯電話, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "二つの最も興味深い日"
two_platforms: "二つの偉大なプラットフォーム"
about_content_1: "Rubyの開発者が技術に興味になる傾向があり、我々はまた、探索するのが大好き、しばしば、自分が書き戻しを見つけるには、iPhone/ iOSのフロントエンドに終わっています。"
about_content_2: "しかし、RailsとiOSは、我々が知っているよりも共通点の方を持っています。."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "のベスト·プラクティスを共有しましょう!"
where_content_2: "ここに2013年の春に"
alushta_ukraine: "アルシタ、クリミア"
organizers: "主催者"
organizer: "が主催する"
in_partnership_with: "との提携で"
porto_mare: "ポルトマーレパークホテル"
like: "が好きです!"
sits_on_facebook: "Facebookの上に座っている"
sits_on_iphone: "twitterやInstagramのでは、iPhone上に座っている"
lets_subscribe: "のニュース、同僚を購読しましょう。"
agree_and_interested: "同意、私はに興味が..."
subscribe: "サブスクライブ"
unsubscribe: "退会"
enter_your_email: "あなたのメールアドレスを入力して"
thank_you: "ありがとうございます"
email_us: "私達に電子メールを送りなさい"
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot in regenjas"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Alushta conferentie voor Ruby on Rails en iOS ontwikkelaars uit alle van de wereld, die zal plaatsvinden in het voorjaar van 2013."
site_description_short: "Ruby on Rails en iOS-ontwikkelaars Alushta conferentie 2013."
site_keywords: "ruby, rails, ios, ontwikkelaar, conferentie, 2013, web, mobiel, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "2 meest interessante dagen"
two_platforms: "2 grote platforms"
about_content_1: "Ruby-ontwikkelaars hebben de neiging om technologie-nieuwsgierig Wij houden om te ontdekken wij ook vaak,, bevinden ons terugschrijven eindigt op de iPhone/iOS front ends."
about_content_2: "Echter, Rails en iOS hebben meer gemeen dan we mogen weten."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "Laten we het aandeel van beste praktijken!"
where_content_2: "In het voorjaar van 2013 hier:"
alushta_ukraine: "Alushta, de Krim"
organizers: "organisatoren"
organizer: "georganiseerd door"
in_partnership_with: "in samenwerking met"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hotel"
like: "Like!"
sits_on_facebook: "zit op facebook"
sits_on_iphone: "zit op iphone in twitter en instagram"
lets_subscribe: "Laten we abonneren op het nieuws, collega."
agree_and_interested: "Akkoord, ik ben geïnteresseerd in..."
subscribe: "subscribe"
unsubscribe: "Uitschrijven"
enter_your_email: "Voer uw e-mail"
thank_you: "Dank u"
email_us: "E-mail ons"
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot w płaszcz"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Konferencja Alushta dla Ruby on Rails i iOS programistów z całego świata, które odbędą się na wiosnę 2013 roku."
site_description_short: "Ruby on Rails i iOS deweloperów Alushta konferencji 2013."
site_keywords: "ruby, rails, ios, deweloper, konferencja, 2013, web, mobile, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "2 dni najbardziej interesujące"
two_platforms: "2 wielkie platformy"
about_content_1: "Ruby deweloperzy wydają się być technologią ciekawy Uwielbiamy odkrywać również, często znajdujemy się kończy pisanie powrotem do iPhone/iOS końcach przednich."
about_content_2: "Jednakże, Rails i iOS mają więcej wspólnego niż może wiedzieć."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "Zróbmy akcje najlepszych praktyk!"
where_content_2: "Wiosną 2013 tutaj:"
alushta_ukraine: "Ałuszta, Krym"
organizers: "organizatorzy"
organizer: "organizowanym przez"
in_partnership_with: "we współpracy z"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hotel"
like: "Lubię!"
sits_on_facebook: "siedzi na Facebooku"
sits_on_iphone: "siedzi na iPhone w twitter i Instagram"
lets_subscribe: "Zróbmy subskrybować nowości, kolegi."
agree_and_interested: "Zgadzam się, jestem zainteresowany..."
subscribe: "subscribe"
unsubscribe: "Zrezygnuj"
enter_your_email: "podaj swój adres e-mail"
thank_you: "Dziękuję"
email_us: "napisz do nas"
robot_in_the_cloak: "Robot no Manto"
site_title: "#iOSonRailsConf 2013"
site_description: "Conferência Alushta para Ruby on Rails e desenvolvedores de iOS a partir de todo o mundo, que terá lugar na Primavera de 2013."
site_description_short: "Ruby on Rails e desenvolvedores de iOS Alushta conferência de 2013."
site_keywords: "ruby, rails, ios, desenvolvedor, conferência, 2013, web, celular, iphone, ipad, ipod"
two_days: "2 dias mais interessantes"
two_platforms: "2 grandes plataformas"
about_content_1: "Desenvolvedores Ruby tendem a ser tecnologia curioso Gostamos de explorar Nós também, muitas vezes, nos encontramos escrever de volta termina aos fins para iPhone/iOS da frente."
about_content_2: "No entanto, o Rails e iOS têm mais em comum do que se pode saber."
about_content_3: "elight"
where_content_1: "Vamos compartilhar as melhores práticas!"
where_content_2: "Na primavera de 2013 aqui:"
alushta_ukraine: "Alushta, Crimea"
organizers: "organizadores"
organizer: "organizado pela"
in_partnership_with: "em parceria com"
porto_mare: "Porto Mare Park Hotel"
like: "Como!"
sits_on_facebook: "senta-se no facebook"
sits_on_iphone: "senta-se no iphone no twitter e instagram"
lets_subscribe: "Vamos assinar a notícia, colega."
agree_and_interested: "Concordo, eu estou interessado em..."
subscribe: "subscribe"
unsubscribe: "Cancelar"
enter_your_email: "digite seu e-mail"
thank_you: "Obrigado"
email_us: "e-mail-nos"
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