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2021-09-15 18:20:18 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Trying to run notify script: L:\plexpy1\plexpy_script\, arguments: ['--jbop', 'paused', '--interval', '15', '--limit', '500', '--sessionId', 'i7ift5gdpdxwf1vka6blfopc', '--notify', '8', '--killMessage', 'Ups ****************@******** creo que te fuiste por mas de 10 minutos y el servidor se canso de esperarte '], action: pause
2021-09-15 18:20:18 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Full script is: ['python', 'L:\\plexpy1\\plexpy_script\\', '--jbop', 'paused', '--interval', '15', '--limit', '500', '--sessionId', 'i7ift5gdpdxwf1vka6blfopc', '--notify', '8', '--killMessage', 'Ups ****************@******** creo que te fuiste por mas de 10 minutos y el servidor se canso de esperarte ']
2021-09-15 18:20:18 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Executing script in a new thread.
2021-09-15 18:20:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-252 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 28 is buffering.