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Last active September 26, 2022 14:16
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@Created Date: Friday February 4th 2022
@Author: Alafate Abulimiti
@Company: INRIA
@Lab: CoML/Articulab
@School: PSL/ENS
@Description: Save the frequent useful functions
Date By Comments
---------------- ----- -----------------------------------------------------------------
13-02-2022 06:12:32 Alafate Abulimiti add get_segments function
13-02-2022 05:47:41 Alafate Abulimiti add check_identity function
7-02-2022 01:25:50 Alafate Abulimiti modify extract dyad and session function with regex
4-02-2022 03:19:36 Alafate Abulimiti add insert_row function
4-02-2022 02:01:23 Alafate Abulimiti add rename file function
4-02-2022 01:29:37 Alafate add get role pair function
4-02-2022 12:49:8 Alafate add round timestamps function
4-02-2022 11:48:45 Alafate add extract dyad session from a string
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from rich import print as rprint
import re
def extract_dyad_session(s):
extract_dyad_session extract dyad and session from a string with "_" as the delimiter
s (str): string
int: dyad and session in int format
dyad ="D[0-9]{1,2}", s).group(0).replace("D", "")
session ="S[0-9]{1}", s).group(0).replace("S", "")
return int(dyad), int(session)
def round_timestamps(
df: pd.DataFrame,
begin: str = "Begin Time -",
end: str = "End Time -",
level: str = "100ms",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
round_timestamps round the timestamps of for dataframe
df (DataFrame): dataframe with timestamps, normally it is a transcript file or an annotation file.
begin (str, optional): Begin time column name. Defaults to "Begin Time -".
end (str, optional): End time column name. Defaults to "End Time -".
level (str, optional): Round level. Defaults to "100ms".
DataFrame: new df with rounded timestamps
# df[begin] = pd.to_datetime(df[begin], format="%H:%M:%S.%f").apply(
# pd.Timestamp.ceil, args=(level,).dt.time
# )
df[begin] = pd.to_datetime(df[begin], format="%H:%M:%S.%f").apply(
pd.Timestamp.ceil, args=(level,)
df[end] = pd.to_datetime(df[end], format="%H:%M:%S.%f").apply(
pd.Timestamp.ceil, args=(level,)
return df
def get_role_pair(
df: pd.DataFrame, period: str, dyad: str, session: str, key="p"
) -> dict:
get_role_pair get role pair by period and dyad and session
df (pd.DataFrame): df with period, dyad, session,and role
period (str): period -> T: task, S: social
dyad (str): dyad
session (str): session: 1, 2
dict: role pair dictionary, key is person, value is role.
r = df.loc[
(df["Dyad"] == dyad) & (df["Session"] == session) & (df["Period"] == period)
role_pair = r["Role"].tolist()
participant_pair = r["Participant"].tolist()
if key == "p":
return dict(zip(participant_pair, role_pair))
elif key == "r":
return dict(zip(role_pair, participant_pair))
def rename_file(f: Path, addition: str, position: str = "postfix") -> Path:
rename_file rename a file with a postfix or prefix
f (Path): File path
addition (str): Additional string
position (str, optional): Additional string postion. Defaults to "postfix".
Path: Renamed file `pathlib` Path object
if position == "postfix":
return Path(*[:-1]) / Path(f.stem + "_" + addition + f.suffix)
elif position == "prefix":
return Path(*[:-1]) / Path(addition + "_" + f.stem + f.suffix)
def insert_row(df: pd.DataFrame, row_number: int, row_value: dict) -> pd.DataFrame:
insert_row insert a row in a dataframe at a given row number
df (pd.DataFrame): target dataframe
row_number (int): row number
row_value (dict): row value with dict format {column_name: value}
pd.DataFrame: new dataframe with inserted row
# Slice the upper half of the dataframe
df1 = df[0:row_number]
# Store the result of lower half of the dataframe
df2 = df[row_number:]
# Insert the row in the upper half dataframe
df1.loc[row_number] = row_value
# Concat the two dataframes
df_result = pd.concat([df1, df2])
# Reassign the index labels
df_result.index = [*range(df_result.shape[0])]
# Return the updated dataframe
return df_result
def check_identity(
rapport_df: pd.DataFrame,
line: int,
reference: int,
cols: list[str] = ["Dyad", "Session"],
check_identity check if a transcript line and a reference line in the same session with same dyad.
rapport_df (pd.DataFrame): 2016 dataframe with rapport annotations
line (int): transcript row index number
reference (int): reference row index number
cols (list, optional): Defaults to ["Dyad", "Session"].
bool: if a transcript line and a reference line in the same session with same dyad, return True, else False.
return (
if False
in ((rapport_df.iloc[line][cols] == rapport_df.iloc[reference][cols]).tolist())
else True
def get_segments(segment_idx: list(int)):
get segments from a list of segment index.
example: [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8] -> [[1,2,3], [5,6], [8]]
segment_idx (list): list with indexes.
list(list(int)): a list of segments index with list of int format.
segments = []
if len(segment_idx) != 0:
tmp = [segment_idx[0]]
seg = segment_idx[1:]
for i, item in enumerate(seg):
if item - 1 == tmp[-1]:
tmp = []
return segments
if __name__ == "__main__":
l1 = ["Tutor", "Tutee"]
l2 = ["P1", "P2"]
d = dict(zip(l1, l2))
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