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Created February 12, 2017 02:40
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Annotated Merge Sort in JavaScript
// Netto Farah
// Feb 11 2017
function mergeSort(array) {
// Clone array so we don't modify the input.
// This shouldn't be necessary in most cases
array = array.slice(0, array.length)
// msort is what we use to divide the problem
function msort(array, low, high) {
// Our base case is when low and high are the same.
// This will happen as we start to subdivide the array, until we reach
// a point where the array is no longer divisible
if (low === high) {
// Make sure we round the middle number
let middle = Math.floor((low + high) / 2)
// Start by tackling the left side of the array
msort(array, low, middle)
// And keep going with the right side
msort(array, middle + 1, high)
// Merge the sub arrays
merge(array, low, middle, high)
// `merge` will create two buffer queues that will take all elements of the
// left and right sides of the current sub array.
function merge(array, low, middle, high) {
let buffer1 = []
let buffer2 = []
// buffer1 takes in all items from low to middle
for (var i = low; i <= middle; i++) {
// push will add an element to the end of an array
// and buffer 2 takes in all items from middle + 1 to high
for (var j = middle + 1; j <= high; j++) {
// k is an index variable we'll use to keep track of our progress as we
// visit every item in the sub array we're working on
let k = low
// This is the meat of `merge`.
// The idea here is to always peak the smallest of the elements in front
// of both queues at each pass.
// We can then replace array[k] with the smallest of the two elements in
// the front of our queues.
// We also need to make sure we stop after at least one of the queues is empty.
while (buffer1.length && buffer2.length) {
// Pick the smallest of the both candidates.
// And then replace array[k] with one of them
if (buffer1[0] < buffer2[0]) {
// when buffer1 holds the smallest element in its front
array[k] = buffer1.shift()
} else {
// when buffer2 holds the smallest element
array[k] = buffer2.shift()
// After the while loop is over we could possibly be left with k < high.
// If that happens, it means either buffer1 or buffer2 still contains 1 element.
// It is all fine though, because we know the everything is sorted from low -> k
// This will empty buffer1
while (buffer1.length) {
array[k] = buffer1.shift()
// k keeps moving forward
// We'll empty buffer2 too
while (buffer2.length) {
array[k] = buffer2.shift()
// by now k == high and we've merged the two sub arrays
// This is where everything actually starts
// We'll go from the beginning of the array all the way to the end.
msort(array, 0, array.length - 1)
return array
let testArray = [4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 1, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 5, 0]
let sorted = mergeSort(testArray)
console.log('original', testArray, testArray.length)
console.log('sorterd ', sorted, sorted.length)
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