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Last active December 4, 2020 16:43
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Wrote yet another grid system lads. This one is BEM + CSS Grids.
@mixin hgrid($columns, $gap, $break, $alias) {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat($columns, 1fr);
gap: $gap;
grid-column: span $columns;
@media only screen and (min-width : $break) {
@for $i from 1 through ($columns+1) {
// spans
grid-column: span $i;
// starts
grid-column-start: $i;
// ends
grid-column-end: $i;
// alias
@if ($alias) {
@if ($columns % 3 > 0){
@warn "Columns not divisible by 3, therefore no thirds modifier alias";
} @else {
grid-column: span ($columns / 3);
grid-column: span (($columns / 3) * 2);
@if ($columns % 4 > 0){
@warn "Columns not divisible by 4, therefore no quarters modifier alias";
} @else {
grid-column: span ($columns / 4);
grid-column: span (($columns / 4) * 3);
@if ($columns % 2 > 0){
@warn "Columns not divisible by 2, therefore no halves modifier alias";
} @else {
grid-column: span ($columns / 2);
grid-column: span $columns;
// Usage ///////
.hg{ // arbitrary namespace
$break: 800px; // arbitrary breakpoint
// include a 12 column grid system with a 20px gap
// and alias classes which appears when the screen width exceeds 800px.
@include hgrid(12, 20px, $break, true);
// extend
@media only screen and (min-width : $break) {
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
<div class="hg">
<header class="hg__u hg__u--span-12"></header>
<aside class="hg__u hg__u--thd"></aside>
<main class="hg__u hg__u--2-thds hg hg--complex">
<div class="hg__u hg__u--span-1"></div>
<div class="hg__u hg__u--start-2 hg__u--end-3"></div>
<footer class="hg__u hg__u--ful"></footer>
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