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Created July 29, 2014 20:22
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Swift Talk Code
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
// Immutable
let apiKey = "12lkj1llk1j291lnk12el"
// Mutable
var changingValue = "I might change!"
// Inferred type
let someVariable = "this is a string, right?"
// Type annotation
var someOtherVariable: String
// Optional
var postalCodeExtension: String?
// Implicitly unwrapped optional
var postalCode: String!
var zip: String!
postalCodeExtension = "1234"
postalCode = "21231"
if(postalCodeExtension) {
zip = "\(postalCode)-\(postalCodeExtension!)"
} else {
zip = postalCode
func someFunction() -> String? {
return nil
if let someConstant = someFunction() {
// use someConstant
} else {
// handle the case where someConstant is nil
class Locker {
var combination: String
init(combo: String) {
combination = combo
class Athlete {
var locker: Locker?
var person = Athlete()
// Runtime error!.combination
// Returns String? with value of nil
// void function
func iDoNothing() {
// return type String
func stringMaker() -> String {
return "some string"
// return type optional String
func potentialStringMaker() -> String? {
let random = arc4random_uniform(2)
return random == 1 ? "A String!" : nil
// not required
func changeCase(someString: String) -> String {
return someString.uppercaseString
// required
func pleaseChangeCase(beingChanged someString: String) -> String {
return someString.uppercaseString
pleaseChangeCase(beingChanged: "whatever")
// shorthand for required
func changeMyCase(#beingChanged: String) -> String {
return beingChanged.uppercaseString
changeMyCase(beingChanged: "whatever")
func sayHello(name: String = "Guest") -> String {
return "Hello, \(name)"
sayHello() // "Hello, Guest"
sayHello(name: "frank") // "Hello, frank"
func swapInts(inout a: Int, inout b: Int) {
let tempA = a
a = b
b = tempA
var someInt = 3
var anotherInt = 4
swapInts(&someInt, &anotherInt)
class Car {
extension Car: Automobile {
func moveForward() {
protocol Automobile {
func moveForward()
protocol Mover {
func move() -> Void
protocol Shaker {
func shake() -> Void
func dance(person: protocol<Mover, Shaker>) -> Void {
let sortingClosure = {(num1: Int, num2: Int) -> Bool in
return num1 > num2
func doStuff(success: (msg: String) -> Void, fail: (errorCode: String, msg: String) -> Void) {
success(msg: "The thing worked!")
fail(errorCode: "500", msg: "The thing did not work")
{(msg: String) in
{(errorCode: String, msg: String) in
class Human {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
// optional property
var petName: String?
// property w/ default value
var location: String = "Baltimore"
// computed property
var fullName: String {
get {
return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"
// lazy initialized property
lazy var lawyer = Lawyer()
init(first: String, last: String) {
firstName = first
lastName = last
class Lawyer: Human {
init() {
super.init(first: "Lionel", last: "Hutz")
class MileageTracker {
var distanceTraveled: Int = 0 {
willSet(newMileage) {
println("Wow \(newMileage) is a lot of miles")
didSet {
if(distanceTraveled < oldValue) {
distanceTraveled = oldValue
var m = MileageTracker()
m.distanceTraveled = -1
m.distanceTraveled = 5
public class Thing {
// Can only be used inside this class
private var internalProperty: String = ""
// Internal access is default
let someThing = "Whatever"
// Can be used outside of this module
public var giraffeCount: Int = 10
// Getter is Internal setter is Private
private(set) var something: String = "is a thing?"
// Getter is Public setter is Internal
internal(set) var anotherThing: String = "this is a thing."
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