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Last active October 8, 2015 15:17
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Building collections from signals[-of-signals] of collection mutations
// A half-baked approach (not thread-safe, poor disposable management) for creating
// aggregate collections from multiple signals of collection mutations. In this
// case we are concating multiple mutation streams into a single container. So for
// each inner signal we need to offset subsequent splices by the count of preceding
// items (which can be recovered by scanning previous splices).
// Example:
// let (first, sink1) = SignalProducer<Splice<Int>, NoError>.buffer()
// let (second, sink2) = SignalProducer<Splice<Int>, NoError>.buffer()
// sendNext(sink1, Splice(index: 0, remove: [], insert: [1, 2, 3]))
// sendNext(sink2, Splice(index: 0, remove: [], insert: [4, 5, 6]))
// sendNext(sink2, Splice(index: 2, remove: [6], insert: []))
// let combined = SignalProducer<SignalProducer<Splice<Int>, NoError>, NoError>(values: [first, second])
// combined |> concatSplices |> start(next: println)
// Output:
// @0 -[] +[1, 2, 3]
// @3 -[] +[4, 5, 6]
// @5 -[6] +[]
// Inspiration
// Define collection mutations in terms of splices
public struct Splice<T>: Printable {
public let index: Int
// In most cases this could be simplified to just a count of removed
// items. However, tracking the actual items allows us to freely invert
// without additional context. That in turn can enable things like
// deferral of updates on "live" collections in cases where our UI isn't
// ready to accept the update yet (e.g. in the middle of an animation).
public let remove: [T]
public let insert: [T]
public func translate(amount: Int) -> Splice {
return Splice(index: index + amount, remove: remove, insert: insert)
public var delta: Int {
return insert.count - remove.count
public var description: String {
return "@\(index) -\(remove) +\(insert)"
// For lack of a better name at the moment
// TODO Could just use a Range
public struct Jump {
public let offset: Int
public let count: Int
public func successor() -> Jump {
return Jump(offset: offset + count, count: 0)
public func resize(delta: Int) -> Jump {
return Jump(offset: offset, count: count + delta)
public func translate(amount: Int) -> Jump {
return Jump(offset: offset + amount, count: count)
public func concatSplices<T>(producer: SignalProducer<SignalProducer<Splice<T>, NoError>, NoError>) -> SignalProducer<Splice<T>, NoError> {
return SignalProducer { observer, disposable in
var tail = Node(value: Jump(offset: 0, count: 0), previous: nil)
let tryComplete: () -> () = { _ in
if tail.previous == nil {
|> on(terminated: tryComplete)
|> start(next: { innerProducer in
tail = Node(value: tail.value.successor(), previous: tail)
let node = tail
|> on(terminated: { _ in
|> start(next: { splice in
sendNext(observer, splice.translate(node.value.offset))
// Propagate index offset updates
if != 0 {
node.value = node.value.resize(
var previous = node
while let next = {
next.value = next.value.translate(
previous = next
}, completed: {
// Dead-simple linked list
public final class Node<T> {
var value: T
var previous: Node?
var next: Node?
public init(value: T, previous: Node?) {
self.value = value
self.previous = previous
next = previous?.next
previous?.next = self
public func drop() {
next?.previous = previous
previous?.next = next
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