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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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BioStars 111791
gse <- getGEO("GSE45016") # you want GSEMatrix = TRUE
# Found 1 file(s)
# GSE45016_series_matrix.txt.gz
# trying URL ''
# ftp data connection made, file length 1486394 bytes
# opened URL
# ==================================================
# downloaded 1.4 Mb
# File stored at:
# /var/folders/7j/7r8lt_3s14s12jx4r2x_qc5c0000gn/T//Rtmpq73dcI/GPL570.soft
# gse is a list of length 1 named after series matrix; let's tidy it up
gse <- gse$GSE45016_series_matrix.txt.gz
# ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
# assayData: 54675 features, 11 samples
# element names: exprs
# protocolData: none
# phenoData
# sampleNames: GSM1095876 GSM1095877 ... GSM1095886 (11 total)
# varLabels: title geo_accession ... data_row_count (34 total)
# varMetadata: labelDescription
# featureData
# featureNames: 1007_s_at 1053_at ... AFFX-TrpnX-M_at (54675 total)
# fvarLabels: ID GB_ACC ... Gene Ontology Molecular Function (16 total)
# fvarMetadata: Column Description labelDescription
# experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
# Annotation: GPL570
# now get the phenotypic data (covariates etc.) using pData()
pd <- pData(gse)
# [1] "title" "geo_accession" "status" "submission_date" "last_update_date" #
# [6] "type" "channel_count" "source_name_ch1" "organism_ch1" "characteristics_ch1"
# [11] "characteristics_ch1.1" "characteristics_ch1.2" "characteristics_ch1.3" "molecule_ch1" "extract_protocol_ch1"
# [16] "label_ch1" "label_protocol_ch1" "taxid_ch1" "hyb_protocol" "scan_protocol"
# [21] "description" "data_processing" "platform_id" "contact_name" "contact_email"
# [26] "contact_department" "contact_institute" "contact_address" "contact_city" "contact_state"
# [31] "contact_zip/postal_code" "contact_country" "supplementary_file" "data_row_count"
# sample 1 is normal tissue so does not have cancer-specific data values
# V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
# Normal prostate High-grade PC1 High-grade PC2 High-grade PC3 High-grade PC4 High-grade PC5 High-grade PC6 High-grade PC7
# V10 V11 V12
# High-grade PC8 High-grade PC9 High-grade PC10
# 11 Levels: High-grade PC1 High-grade PC10 High-grade PC2 High-grade PC3 High-grade PC4 High-grade PC5 High-grade PC6 ... Normal prostate
# V2 V3 V4
# tissue: normal prostate (NP) epithelial cells tissue: prostate cancer cells tissue: prostate cancer cells
# V5 V6 V7
# tissue: prostate cancer cells tissue: prostate cancer cells tissue: prostate cancer cells
# V8 V9 V10
# tissue: prostate cancer cells tissue: prostate cancer cells tissue: prostate cancer cells
# V11 V12
tissue: prostate cancer cells tissue: prostate cancer cells
# Levels: tissue: normal prostate (NP) epithelial cells tissue: prostate cancer cells
# V2 V3 V4 V5
# clinical stage: clinical T4N0M1 clinical stage: clinical T4N1M1 clinical stage: clinical T2bN1M1
# V6 V7 V8 V9
# clinical stage: clinical T3aN0M1 clinical stage: clinical T3bN0M1 clinical stage: clinical T4N1M1 clinical stage: clinical T3bN1M1
# V10 V11 V12
# clinical stage: clinical T3bN0M0 clinical stage: clinical T3aN0M0 clinical stage: clinical T3aN1M0
# 10 Levels: clinical stage: clinical T2bN1M1 clinical stage: clinical T3aN0M0 ... clinical stage: clinical T4N1M1
# V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8
# gleason score: GS 9 gleason score: GS 9 gleason score: GS 9 gleason score: GS 9 gleason score: GS 9 gleason score: GS 9
# V9 V10 V11 V12
# gleason score: GS 8 gleason score: GS 9 gleason score: GS 9 gleason score: GS 8
# Levels: gleason score: GS 8 gleason score: GS 9
# V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
# psa level: PSA 5477ng/ml psa level: PSA 4427ng/ml psa level: PSA1900ng/ml psa level: PSA 630ng/ml
# V7 V8 V9 V10 V11
# psa level: PSA 334ng/ml psa level: PSA 311ng/ml psa level: PSA 1000ng/ml psa level: PSA 275ng/ml psa level: PSA 80ng/ml
# V12
# psa level: PSA 234ng/ml
# 11 Levels: psa level: PSA 1000ng/ml psa level: PSA 234ng/ml psa level: PSA 275ng/ml psa level: PSA 311ng/ml ... psa level: PSA1900ng/ml
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