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Forked from habibutsu/elixir_to_erlang.erl
Created December 18, 2017 22:06
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Elixir to Erlang
% erl -pa /usr/share/elixir/1.0.5/lib/*/ebin -elixir ansi_enabled true
% A simplified version of 'Elixir.Code':eval_string/2
EvalString = fun(String, Binding) ->
% Converts a given string (char list) into quote expression
Tree = elixir:'string_to_quoted!'(String, 1, <<"nofile">>, Binding),
io:format("%% Elixir AST: ~n~n~p~n~n", [Tree]),
Env = elixir:env_for_eval([]),
Scope = elixir_env:env_to_scope(Env),
{ParsedBinding, ParsedScope} = elixir_scope:load_binding(Binding, Scope),
ParsedEnv = Env#{vars := [K || {K,_} <- ParsedScope#elixir_scope.vars]},
% Translate Elixir quoted expressions to Erlang Abstract Format.
{Erl, _NewEnv, _NewScope} = elixir:quoted_to_erl(Tree, ParsedEnv, ParsedScope),
io:format("%% Erlang Abstract Format: ~n~n~p~n~n", [Erl]),
io:format("%% Erlang: ~n~n~s~n~n", [lists:flatten(erl_pp:expr(Erl))]),
% Running code
erl_eval:expr(Erl, ParsedBinding, none, none, none)
% Examples:
EvalString("IO.puts(\"Value of 'my_var' = #{my_var}\")", [{my_var, 100500}]).
EvalString("my_var+1", [{my_var, 100500}]).
EvalString("map.a", [{map, #{a=>1}}]).
EvalString("list |> Enum.reverse |> List.duplicate(2) |> List.flatten", [{list, [1, 2, 3]}]).
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