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Last active December 31, 2021 01:19
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Notes for the Mythical Man Month

The Mythical Man-Month

1. The Tar Pit

The goal

  • Program
    • A complete product to itself, ready to be run on the system it was dev'd on
  • Programming System
    • 3x more costly than a program
    • Collection of interacting programs, coordinated in function and disciplined in format.
    • Each component is written such that each input/output conforms to a specification
  • Programming Product
    • 3x more costly than a program
    • A program that can be tested, repaired, extended by anybody.
    • Usable in many OS envs, for many datasets
  • Programming System Product
    • 9x more costly than a program
    • It is the truly useful object, the intended product of most system programming efforts

Joys of the Craft

  • Sheer joy of creation
  • Deep pleasure of making things that are useful to other people
  • Fascination of fashioning complex puzzle-like objects
  • Joys of always learning
  • Delight of working in a tractable medium

Woes of the Craft

  • The programmer must perform perfectly (typos, spacing, etc)
  • Other people set your objectives, set resources and provide information
  • Dependent on other people's programs which may be maldesigned, poorly implemented, imcompletely delivered, poorly documented
  • Designing grand concepts is fun, finding nitty bugs is just work
  • debugging has linear convergence, where the last bugs take more time to find than the first
  • Products are potentially obsolete before they are even competed (seems worse than it usually is)

2. The Mythical Man-Month

  • Software projects often go awry for lack of calendar time compared to all other causes
    • Techniques of estimation are poorly developed -- often reflect unvoiced assumption that all will go well
    • Estimating techniques confuse effort with progress -- that men and months are interchangable
    • When uncertain of estimates, sw managers often lack courteous stubbornness to say "it takes the time it takes"
    • Schedule progress is poorly monitored -- routine practice in other eng domains are considered radical in sw
    • When schedule slips, natural (and traditional) response is to add manpower, which makes things worse


  • All programmers are optimists
  • "All will go well" is the first false assumption
    • i.e. "each task will take only as long as it 'ought' to take"
  • however tractable the medium of programming is, programming ideas are faulty, bugs arise, making optimism unjustified
  • large programming efforts consist of many tasks, some chained
    • the probability that each will go well becomes vanishingly small.

The Man-Month

  • Effort/Cost does vary as a product of people x months, but progress does not
  • Men and months are only interchangeable commodities when a task can be partitioned among many workers with no communication among them
    • Generally not true of system programming
  • When tasks cannot be partitioned, the application of more people has no impact on schedule
  • When tasks can be partitioned but require communications, the effort of communication must be added to the amount of work to be done
    • communication effort is 2 parts:
      • training
      • intercommunication -- costly n(n -1)/2

Systems Test

  • component debugging and systems test are most depended on success of previous steps
  • time depends on number and subtlety of the errors encountered
  • optimism leads us to underestimate this time cost

Example breakdown:

  • ⅓ planning
  • ⅙ coding
  • ¼ component test ad early system test
  • ¼ system test, all components in hand

Gutless Estimating

  • When omlette is promised in 2 minutes, but isn't ready:
    • customer has 2 choices, wait or eat it raw
    • chef can also turn up the heat, likely ruining it
  • False scheduling/estimation to meet a patron's desired date is much more common
  • There is a need to develop and publixize productivity figures, bug-incidence figures, estimating rules, and so on
  • Util estimating is sounder, individual managers will need to stiffen their backbones and defend estimates
    • poor hunches on esitmation are better than wish-derived estimates

Regenerative Schedule Disaster

Situation: 12 person-months work estimated. 3 people assigned for 4 months.

The project is behind schedule 1 month, now what?

  1. Assume task must be done on time, assume that only the first part of the task was misestimated. 9 person-months remain, will now need 4½ people to meet schedule.
  2. Assume task must be done on time, assume uniformly misestimated. 18 person-months remain, so 9 people needed to meet deadline.
  3. Reschedule. Re-analyze size of task, re-estimate effort. Ensure new estimate allows work to be done carefully/thoroughly so that rescheduling does not need to be done again.
  4. Trim the task. (Often happens implicitly when schedule slippage noticed) When secondary costs of delay are very high -- either trim it formally and carefully or watch it get trimmed by hasty design and incomple testing.

Brooke's Law

Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later

3. The Surgical Team

Details an alternative team format in order to be able to organize large numbers of people to very large tasks

The problem

  • productivity variations exist between good programmers and poor ones.
  • Even within a group of experienced programmers, the ratios between the best and worst performances averaged about 10:1 on productivity and 5:1 on program speed and space measurements.
  • Small sharp teams are too slow for really big systems.
  • E.g. if a project is estimated at 5000 person-years
    • 10 people working at a 7x efficiency with 7x gain for working in a small team
    • 5000 / (10 x 7 x 7) =~ 10 years
    • Are people interested in working on this for 10 years? Is it relevant after 10 years?

In sum, need to find ways to break down large projects into team-sized problems which can then be coordinated/composed over teh scale of months rather than years

4. Aristocracy, Democracy, and System Design

Conceptual Integrity

  • One of the most important consideration in system design
  • How much unity there is in the set of design ideas, rather than independent and uncoordinated ideas.

Achieving Conceptual Integrity

  • The purpose of programming system is to make a computer easy to use
  • Does so by furnishing languages and various facilities -- which are programs
  • But these facilities are bought at a price -- the external description of a programming system is 10-20x as large as the description of the computer system
  • Simplicity and straightforwardness proceed from conceptual integrity
  • Every part must even use the same techniques in syntax and analogous notions in semantics
  • Ease of use dictates unity of design, ∴ conceptual integrity

Aristocracy and Democracy

  • conceptual integrity in turn dictates that the design must proceed from one mind or from a very small number of agreeing resonant minds.
  • this is in opposition to scheduling demands which impose that system building needs many hands
  • two ways to resolve:
    • careful division of labor between architecture and implementation
    • second is new ways of structuring programming teams
  • separation of architectural effort from implementation is powerful
    • architecture -- cemplete and detailed specification of the user interface
    • implementation -- describes what goes on inside the case
  • so how to balance concerns of aristocracy of creativity by architects (few) and democratizing creativity to implementers (many)
    • unapologetic that there should only be a few people to control concepts making up the direction of conceptual integrity
    • with regards to creative work:
      • architects are creative with the setting of external specifications
      • implementers are creative with the design of the implementation to meet the architecture
    • cost-performance ratio depends on implementer
    • ease-of-use depends on the architect
    • form is liberating, and the sandbox provided by an rchitecture can enhance, not cramp, creativity

What does the implementer do while waiting?

  • concerns that if arch team is planning, implementers think:
    • the design will be too rich, ignoring cost of implementaiton (real risk)
    • the architects will get all of the fun work, leaving nothing for implementers (imagined risk)
      • implementation is a creative work in and of itself
    • the implementers will sit idle while plan comes (imagined risk)
      • matter of timing/phasing
      • flippant/quick answer: don't hire implementers too early
      • better answer:
        • total creative effort invovles 3 phases: architecture, implementation, realiziation -- Which can be parallelized
        • implementer can start as soon as there is vague assumptions about the manual (usage), clearer ideas about the tech, well-defined cost/performance objectives
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