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Created May 23, 2024 21:28
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Sample docker file for running angular 17+ with ssr support
FROM node:lts-alpine as build
COPY package*.json ./
# Install dependencies
RUN npm ci --force
COPY . .
# Set environment for Angular CLI
ARG configuration=production
RUN npm run build:ssr --configuration $configuration
FROM node:lts-alpine as runtime
# Set working directory
# Copy the built Angular app from the build stage
COPY --from=build /app/dist/your-app-name/browser /app/browser
COPY --from=build /app/dist/your-app-name/server /app/server
# Expose the port your Angular app will run on (default is 4000 for Angular Universal)
# Set environment for Angular Universal
ENV NODE_ENV=production
# Start the Angular Universal server
CMD ["node", "server/main.js"]
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