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Last active May 16, 2023 16:15
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Convert Plant UML VSCode Snippets to Emacs Yasnippets with Babashka
(require '[babashka.http-client :as http])
(require '[cheshire.core :as json])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[babashka.fs :as fs])
(defn get-url
"Get URL"
(println "Downloading url:" url)
(http/get url))
(defn get-vscode-snippets []
(get-url "")) true))
(defn vscode->emacs-snippets
"Creating emacs snippets from vscode"
(println "Creating Emacs Snippets into " yasnippet-dir)
(doseq [[k v] (get-vscode-snippets)]
(let [s-key (name k)
s-name (:description v)
body (str/join (:body v))
content (str "# -*- mode: snippet -*-\n"
"# name: " s-key " - " s-name "\n"
"# key: " s-key "\n"
"# -- \n"
(println "Creating " s-key "file")
(spit (str yasnippet-dir "/" s-key)
(if-let [yasnippet-dir (first *command-line-args*)]
(if (fs/directory? yasnippet-dir)
(vscode->emacs-snippets yasnippet-dir)
(println (format "Yasnippet target dir %s does not exist !" yasnippet-dir)))
(println "Please set yasnippet directory"))
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