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Created November 4, 2020 16:14
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package h3d.anim;
class Joint {
public var index : Int;
public var name : String;
public var bindIndex : Int;
public var splitIndex : Int;
public var defMat : h3d.Matrix; // the default bone matrix
public var transPos : h3d.Matrix; // inverse pose matrix
public var parent : Joint;
public var subs : Array<Joint>;
When animated, we will use the default bind pose translation instead of the animated translation,
enabling retargeting on a skeleton with different proportions
public var retargetAnim : Bool;
public function new() {
bindIndex = -1;
splitIndex = -1;
subs = [];
private class Permut {
public var joints : Array<Joint>;
public var triangles : Array<Int>;
public var material : Int;
public var indexedJoints : Array<Joint>;
public function new() {
private class Influence {
public var j : Joint;
public var w : Float;
public function new(j, w) {
this.j = j;
this.w = w;
class Skin {
public var name : String;
public var vertexCount(default, null) : Int;
public var bonesPerVertex(default,null) : Int;
public var vertexJoints : haxe.ds.Vector<Int>;
public var vertexWeights : haxe.ds.Vector<Float>;
public var rootJoints(default,null) : Array<Joint>;
public var namedJoints(default,null) : Map<String,Joint>;
public var allJoints(default,null) : Array<Joint>;
public var boundJoints(default, null) : Array<Joint>;
#if !(dataOnly || macro)
public var primitive : h3d.prim.Primitive;
// spliting
public var splitJoints(default, null) : Array<{ material : Int, joints : Array<Joint> }>;
public var triangleGroups : haxe.ds.Vector<Int>;
var envelop : Array<Array<Influence>>;
public function new( name, vertexCount, bonesPerVertex ) { = name;
this.vertexCount = vertexCount;
this.bonesPerVertex = bonesPerVertex;
if( vertexCount > 0 ) {
vertexJoints = new haxe.ds.Vector(vertexCount * bonesPerVertex);
vertexWeights = new haxe.ds.Vector(vertexCount * bonesPerVertex);
envelop = [];
public function setJoints( joints : Array<Joint>, roots : Array<Joint> ) {
rootJoints = roots;
allJoints = joints;
namedJoints = new Map();
for( j in joints )
if( != null )
namedJoints.set(, j);
public inline function addInfluence( vid : Int, j : Joint, w : Float ) {
var il = envelop[vid];
if( il == null )
il = envelop[vid] = [];
il.push(new Influence(j,w));
function sortInfluences( i1 : Influence, i2 : Influence ) {
return i2.w > i1.w ? 1 : -1;
public inline function isSplit() {
return splitJoints != null;
public function initWeights() {
boundJoints = [];
var pos = 0;
for( i in 0...vertexCount ) {
var il = envelop[i];
if( il == null ) il = [];
if( il.length > bonesPerVertex )
il = il.slice(0, bonesPerVertex);
var tw = 0.;
for( i in il )
tw += i.w;
tw = 1 / tw;
for( i in 0...bonesPerVertex ) {
var i = il[i];
if( i == null ) {
vertexJoints[pos] = 0;
vertexWeights[pos] = 0;
} else {
if( i.j.bindIndex == -1 ) {
i.j.bindIndex = boundJoints.length;
vertexJoints[pos] = i.j.bindIndex;
vertexWeights[pos] = i.w * tw;
envelop = null;
function sortByBindIndex(j1:Joint, j2:Joint) {
return j1.bindIndex - j2.bindIndex;
function isSub( a : Array<Joint>, b : Array<Joint> ) {
var j = 0;
var max = b.length;
for( e in a ) {
while( e != b[j++] ) {
if( j >= max ) return false;
return true;
function merge( permuts : Array<Permut> ) {
for( p1 in permuts )
for( p2 in permuts )
if( p1 != p2 && p1.material == p2.material && isSub(p1.joints, p2.joints) ) {
for( t in p1.triangles )
return true;
return false;
function jointsDiff( p1 : Permut, p2 : Permut ) {
var diff = 0;
var i = 0, j = 0;
var imax = p1.joints.length, jmax = p2.joints.length;
while( i < imax && j < jmax ) {
var j1 = p1.joints[i];
var j2 = p2.joints[j];
if( j1 == j2 ) {
} else {
if( j1.bindIndex < j2.bindIndex )
return diff + (imax - i) + (jmax - j);
public function split( maxBones : Int, index : Array<Int>, triangleMaterials : Null<Array<Int>> ) {
if( isSplit() )
return true;
if( boundJoints.length <= maxBones )
return false;
splitJoints = [];
triangleGroups = new haxe.ds.Vector(;
var permuts = new Array<Permut>();
// build unique permutations
for( tri in / 3) ) {
var iid = tri * 3;
var mid = triangleMaterials == null ? 0 : triangleMaterials[tri];
var jl = [];
// get all joints for this triangle
for( i in 0...3 ) {
var vid = index[iid + i];
for( b in 0...bonesPerVertex ) {
var bidx = vid * bonesPerVertex + b;
if( vertexWeights[bidx] == 0 ) continue;
var j = boundJoints[vertexJoints[bidx]];
if( j.splitIndex != iid ) {
j.splitIndex = iid;
// look for another permutation
for( p2 in permuts )
if( p2.material == mid && isSub(jl, p2.joints) ) {
jl = null;
if( jl == null ) continue;
for( p2 in permuts )
if( p2.material == mid && isSub(p2.joints, jl) ) {
p2.joints = jl;
jl = null;
if( jl == null ) continue;
var pr = new Permut();
pr.joints = jl;
pr.triangles = [tri];
pr.material = mid;
// merge permutations when they share almost the same bones
while( true ) {
while( merge(permuts) ) {
// heuristic : look for a good match to merge permutations
var minDif = 100000, minTot = 100000, minP1 : Permut = null, minP2 : Permut = null;
for( i in 0...permuts.length ) {
var p1 = permuts[i];
if( p1.joints.length == maxBones ) continue;
for( j in i + 1...permuts.length ) {
var p2 = permuts[j];
if( p2.joints.length == maxBones || p1.material != p2.material ) continue;
var count = jointsDiff(p1, p2);
var tot = count + ((p1.joints.length + p2.joints.length - count) >> 1);
if( tot > maxBones || tot > minTot || (tot == minTot && count > minDif) ) continue;
minDif = count;
minTot = tot;
minP1 = p1;
minP2 = p2;
if( minP1 == null ) break;
// merge p1 & p2
var p1 = minP1, p2 = minP2;
for( j in p1.joints ) {
for( t in p1.triangles )
// store our vertex permutations
for( i in 0...permuts.length )
for( tri in permuts[i].triangles )
triangleGroups[tri] = i;
// assign split indexes to joints
var jointsPermuts = [];
for( j in boundJoints ) {
var pl = [];
for( p in permuts )
if( p.joints.indexOf(j) >= 0 )
jointsPermuts.push( { j : j, pl : pl, priority : 0 } );
while( true ) {
jointsPermuts.sort(function(j1, j2) return ( + j2.priority*100) - ( + j1.priority*100));
for( p in permuts )
p.indexedJoints = [];
var fail = false;
for( j in jointsPermuts ) {
j.j.splitIndex = -1;
for( id in 0...maxBones ) {
var ok = true;
for( p in )
if( p.indexedJoints[id] != null ) {
ok = false;
if( ok ) {
j.j.splitIndex = id;
for( p in )
p.indexedJoints[id] = j.j;
// this means we have to track the number of free joints
// in our heuristic to prevent them from reaching such case
if( j.j.splitIndex < 0 ) {
if( j.priority > 10 )
throw "Failed to assign index while spliting skin";
fail = true;
if( !fail ) break;
// rebuild joints list (and fill holes)
splitJoints = [];
for( p in permuts ) {
var jl = [];
for( i in 0...p.indexedJoints.length ) {
var j = p.indexedJoints[i];
if( j == null ) j = boundJoints[0];
splitJoints.push( { material : p.material, joints : jl } );
// rebind
for( i in 0...vertexJoints.length )
vertexJoints[i] = boundJoints[vertexJoints[i]].splitIndex;
return true;
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