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Last active January 10, 2022 21:54
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  • Save nbuchwitz/c706208e0e381e66ce8c602f5a6a75de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nbuchwitz/c706208e0e381e66ce8c602f5a6a75de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
esphome gas meter
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"title": "Gas",
"uid": "ukywgW-Mk",
"version": 20
name: meter
platform: ESP8266
board: d1_mini
build_path: ./builds/meter
esp_name: "Meter"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
fast_connect: true
password: !secret api_password
password: !secret ota_password
- platform: status
name: "${esp_name} - Status"
- platform: wifi_signal
name: "${esp_name} - WiFi Signal"
update_interval: 3s
- platform: pulse_counter
pin: D1
name: "Gas Cubic meters used"
update_interval : 60s
- multiply: 0.01
unit_of_measurement: "m³/ min"
id: gas
accuracy_decimals: 3
icon: 'mdi:fire'
- platform: template
name: "Gas Total m³"
lambda: |-
static float total_value = 0.0;
total_value += id(gas).state;
return total_value;
unit_of_measurement: ""
icon: 'mdi:fire'
update_interval: 60s
accuracy_decimals: 3
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The gas meter is connected via a reed contact to the ESP8266:

|---| |------|----------------------------------o GND
| M | | Reed |
|---| |------|--------o-------------------------o D1 on ESP
                      \--------| R10 k |--------o VCC

(M is the gas meter)

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Congratulations, nice work!
For me, the total value is always reset when ESP starts again.
Is there a solution to this?

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l30ns commented Nov 16, 2021

Great job!.
Is this Grafana with data being taken solely from HomeAssistant and not from InfluxDB?
I'm not using Grafana, but this looks like a good reason to try it out.

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ae1grij commented Jan 10, 2022

Looks very good and just what I was looking for to run on HA. I downloaded the json file and imported to Grafana but I'm just seeing two blank titled panels. Fairly new to this stuff so my question is, will the panels remain blank until I connect an ESP? I would have thought I'd get some information showing up even if there is no data. Any advice?

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