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Created September 20, 2024 23:19
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How to - git commands

Howto - GIT


Install dir (on Windows)

"C:\Program Files\Git\git-cmd.exe" --cd-to-home
"C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe"

Some commands

git pull master

create a branch:

create branch gh-1234

git checkout -b gh-1234


git status
git add src/dir/

git commit -a -m 'gh-1234: my comment'
git commit -m 'gh-1234: my comment'
git push --set origin origin/gh-1234
git push origin origin/gh-1234

switch back to the master branch

git checkout master

git status
git stash save gh-XXXXXX
git stash list
git stash show stash@{0}
git stash apply stash@{0}
git stash drop stash@{0}

git log master --oneline
git log master
git log master --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
git log master --since="2024-08-01"
git log master --since=1.month
git log master
git log master --grep=myname --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
git log master --grep=gh-1234
git log master --since=1.month --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"

git log master --grep=gh-1234

display the content of a commit

git log -p 1bdb2b2b12c6260f23a8978e563163539960781e

compare 2 commits

git show --pretty=oneline --name-only --abbrev-commit ^2423a1d4 c142d5b7

merge master into my branch

git checkout mybranch
git pull
git status
git fetch origin master
git merge origin/master
git push
git status

merge my branch into master

git checkout master
git pull
git status
git fetch origin mybranch
git merge origin/mybranch
git push
git status

compare two revisions in git command line

configure winmerge in

C:\Users\<my account>\.gitconfig

compare all files from 2 commits

git difftool 2423a1d4 c142d5b7

compare a specific file from 2 commits

git difftool 2423a1d4:src/ c142d5b7:src/

get the list of available branches

git branch -a

git branch --contains a4668a08

git difftool a4668a08:src/ c142d5b7:src/

cancel an ongoing merge not yet committed

git merge --abort

clone the repo myproject

git.exe clone --progress -v "" "C:\projects\myproject"

retrieve the branch at a specific commit

git checkout <sha1 commit value>

force retrieve the latest version of the branch

(useful when the branch has been overwritten)

git checkout mybranch
git fetch
git reset --hard origin/mybranch
git pull

rename a branch

let's imagine my current branch is mybranch I want to rename it to gh-1234

git checkout mybranch
git pull
git branch -m gh-1234
--non-- git push
git push origin gh-1234
git push --set-upstream origin gh-1234
git difftool 085c4586dc93f30e538238850

git reset --hard HEAD
git reset --hard origin/master

git reset --hard origin/another-branch
git pull
git status
git log

Revert changes to modified files

git reset --hard

Remove all untracked files and directories

(-f is force, -d is remove directories)

git clean -fd

display the commit history of a specific file

gitk <filename>
gitk mydirectory/

get a specific version of the branch

git fetch origin
git checkout YOUR_SHA_HERE

ex: git checkout 44cdf6a8095a58f7d6770f7eba1a320a08dbb223

Verify that branch X has been merged into branch Y

$ git branch --all --merged origin/Y X

Clean the repo

    $ git gc

How to force an overwrite of local files

    $ git fetch --all
    $ git reset --hard origin/master


    $ git log --graph --decorate

Delete a branch

Delete the local branch:

$ git branch -d <branchname>
$ git gc

Remove a remote branch from the server:

$ git push origin --delete {the_remote_branch}

Find old branches

Find all local branches

$ git branch --sort=-committerdate -v


For all <branchname> in [old branches(already closed/on master)]:
$ git branch -d <branchname>
$ git gc

Magic rebase

If another dev has pushed to my branch, and I want to retrieve their modifications while I have files in progress:

This command:

  • stashes the files in progress
  • retrieves the commits pushed to the branch (by other devs)
  • unstashes the stashed files
$ git pull --rebase --autostash

Apply patch in a new branch

$ git checkout mybranch
$ git pull
$ gut status
$ git fetch origin master
$ git merge origin/master
$ git pull
$ git status
$ git diff mybranch..master > ../mybranch.patch
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout -b gh-1234
$ git status
$ git apply --3way --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace /projects/mybranch.patch
$ git commit
$ git push

Squash the last commits

/!\ works only if no branch has been merged into this branch (neither master)

Squash last commits of a specifc branch into a single commit.

$ git checkout <branch_name>
$ git pull
$ git status

(replace 3 by the number of commits to squash)

$ git reset --soft HEAD~3
$ git commit -m "my commit message"
$ git push origin <branch_name> --force


$ git reset --soft HEAD~3
$ git commit -m "feat(gh-1234): my new great feature"
$ git push origin gh-1234 --force

Rebase master into branch

Reintegrate the latest changes from master into my branch without using merge

$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout <branch_name>
$ git pull --rebase origin master
$ git push --force-with-lease

In case there are merge conflicts

$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout <branch_name>
$ git pull --rebase origin master

example if there are conflicts:

git pull --rebase origin master
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
error: could not apply ce26679... feat(gh-1234): my commit message
Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with
"git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git rebase --continue".
You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".
Could not apply ce26679... feat(gh-1234): my commit message
Auto-merging config/myfile.yaml
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in config/myfile.yaml

resolve the merge conflicts, then

$ git rebase --continue
$ git push --force-with-lease

Pycharm Squash commits & rebase


  1. Open the git window
  2. Left-click the first commit (the oldest in time) of my branch to select it
  3. Right-click and choose "interactive rebase" in the popup menu
  4. Left-click on the bottom-most commit in the list to select it
  5. Click the "Squash" button
  6. Edit the commit message
  7. Click on the icon on the left that looks like 2 small circles
  8. Click the "Start Rebasing" button
  9. In the git window, click on the newly generated commit (to select it)
  10. Right-click to open the popup and click "Push All up to Here..."
  12. Click on the down arrow of the "Push" button to display the drop-down menu
  13. Click "Force Push"
  14. (a dialog box appears) Confirm by clicking the "Force Push" button

Git archive

$ git archive -o HEAD
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