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natyusha / FFXIV Macro
Last active August 12, 2024 23:57
An example FFXIV macro HUD.


Macros from an example HUD configuration intended for those who don't use a controller and have no need for the cross hotbars. The hotbar number(s) and slots used in the reference image are listed next to the macro name when applicable (hotbar# :: slot#).


FFXIV-MACRO-HUD-Reference HUD Video Walkthrough

Required FFXIV Settings


Consider disabling "Error Messages" under Character Configuration > Log Window Settings > Log Filters > Chat Tab Name > Announcements. Otherwise some of these macros will spawn errors in the chat under certain circumstances. To avoid this while leaving "Error Messages" enabled you can prepend /merror off to all of the macros below instead.

natyusha / Shoko-NN.css
Last active September 5, 2024 14:30
My personal CSS for Shoko Server's WebUI
@font-face {
font-family:"Iosevka NN";
src:local("Iosevka NN Medium Extended");
* {
/* FONT */
font-family:"Iosevka NN";
natyusha / Naty's FFXIV Dawntrail Add-ons, Plugins and
Last active September 17, 2024 06:04
All the third party add-ons, plugins and mods I use for FFXIV.

Last Updated: Patch 7.05

The program which most people use for parsing in FFXIV and several other MMOs. For an open source alternative consider using IINACT though configuring it won't be covered here.


  • Main Table Encounters
    • General
      • Uncheck: Number of seconds to wait after the last combat action to begin a new encounter.
      • Uncheck: Number of seconds to wait after the last combat action to pause the encounter duration.


natyusha / KeepUI_FFXIV.fx
Created October 22, 2019 10:51
Keep UI for FFXIV Mirror
// KeepUI for FFXIV
// Author: seri14
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
// Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
// distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
// binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
// means.
natyusha /
Last active October 26, 2019 17:24
BBWVR2 Helper
rollout BBWVR2_Rollout "BBWVR2 Helper" width:170 ( -- main rollout
BBWVR2 Helper maxscript written by natyusha for use with the BBWVR2-Rig.
Designed to facilitate fast exports of preset body sizes with automated vertex normal smoothing.
With this tool custom body sizes can be created and exported at an extremely rapid pace.
group "Prep Modifiers and Smooth" ( -- buttons for calling functions that smooth normals and enable the correct modifiers for a given bodytype
button 'btnBody' "Body\nStandard" across:2 width:70 height:30 align:#left tooltip:"average normals and prep modifiers for the nude upper body"
button 'btnBodyF' "Body\nFeatureless" width:70 height:30 align:#right tooltip:"average normals and prep modifiers for the featureless upper body"
button 'btnLegs' "Legs\nNew Gens" across:2 width:70 height:30 align:#left tooltip:"average normals and prep modifiers for the nude legs, genitals and anus"
natyusha /
Last active January 7, 2020 08:01


This build has unparalleled damage output alongside superior survivability. It requires a decently high level, but there are modifications one can make to bring the requirement down significantly and still get 90% of the effect. A playthrough with this build on Death March will start to feel like you are playing ‘Just the story.’


This build revolves around stacking Toxicity by using 4 decoctions + Superior Thunderbolt/Tawny Owl in combination with the Euphoria mutation, stacking crit damage alongside items and abilities ensuring near constant criticals, buffing stamina regeneration and using adrenaline points to have constant Quen to maintain full health, and stacking damage boost at full health. Basically, the idea is to deal massive damage to end fights quickly whilst ensuring full health with life steal (Ekimmara decoction) plus constant Quen and other means.


Euphoria (Alchemy)

Easy to get earlier on and at the core of this build. With

natyusha / Naty'sShadowbringersReshade.ini
Last active April 27, 2021 09:09
FFXIV Reshade Settings for Shadowbringers
natyusha / discord.css
Last active March 11, 2023 13:48
Discord CSS
@font-face {
font-family:"Iosevka NN";
src: local("Iosevka NN Medium Extended")
* {
/* FONT */
font-family:"Iosevka NN"!important;
natyusha / scripts.ahk
Last active November 28, 2017 03:08
autohotkey scripts for windows
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance force ; only allow one script instance
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
Menu, Tray, Icon, shell32.dll, 44 ; Sets the Trayicon
; Selected programs to close with Escape key [ignore ctrl+shift+esc]
GroupAdd, WinClose, ahk_class CabinetWClass
GroupAdd, WinClose, ahk_class FM
GroupAdd, WinClose, ahk_class Notepad
GroupAdd, WinClose, ahk_class PotPlayer
natyusha / userChrome.css
Last active December 3, 2017 09:34
userChrome.css using: Dark Theme w/ Compact Density + Dina TTF
@namespace url("");
@-moz-document url('chrome://browser/content/browser.xul') {
* {
font-family: "Dina TTF" !important;
font-size: 12px !important;
#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:after, #TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:before, .tab-close-button,