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Last active September 15, 2021 23:56
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translate an h2o model into sql
translate <- function(fit){
### return the sql translation of a h2o.glm model ###
# safety
stopifnot(class(fit) %in% c("H2OBinomialModel","H2ORegressionModel"))
stopifnot(.hasSlot(fit, "algorithm"))
stopifnot(.hasSlot(fit, "model"))
stopifnot(.hasSlot(fit, "parameters"))
stopifnot(fit@algorithm == "glm")
stopifnot(fit@parameters$family %in% c("binomial","gaussian"))
stopifnot("coefficients" %in% names(fit@model))
# extract coefficients
df <- data.frame(
term = names(fit@model$coefficients),
beta = fit@model$coefficients,
sql = character(length(fit@model$coefficients)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
# pick out the intercept
intercept <- grepl("intercept",tolower(df$term))
# translate each row into sql term * beta
df$sql[intercept] <- paste0('(',df$beta[intercept],')') # no multiplication
df$sql[!intercept] <- paste0('(',df$term[!intercept],'',' * ',df$beta[!intercept],')')
# a classification model
if(class(fit) == "H2OBinomialModel"){
# logistic function
sql <- paste0(
'1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + EXP(',
paste(df$sql,collapse = " + "),
# otherwise a regression model
} else {
sql <- paste(df$sql,collapse = " + ")
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