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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Jet Fuel Notes

API Endpoints (/api/v1/...)

  • /poverty/map(?year=2014) (state geo.json data with any coloring/shading options applied (maybe a color intensity?)

  • /poverty/markers(?year=2014) (any individual points or markers we want on/in the states, possible year filter)

  • /poverty (general data set information (data set name, updated_at, avail. years, etc))

  • /poverty/state/tweets (last 50 tweets within predefined poverty twitter hashtags) OR /poverty/tweets?state=XX

  • /poverty/state/tweets/sentiment (sentiment scale score of last 2000 tweets)

  • /poverty/state/data(?year-2014) (more chosen state data, for example actual numbers/%'s, that could be overlaid on state)

  • /poverty/state/images (if we wanted to pull in instagram photos)

  • /overview (contains an overview, list of available datasets/endpoints (poverty, drug use, etc), etc.)


  • Sample D3 based map
    • Seems like with some customization this could be a good basis for our main map
    • Its also cool that its based on D3 which it sounded like we all kind of wanted to play with a little?

State Data Nesting:

  • Seems like this could go one of two ways, either state specific routes /CO/, /NY/, etc, or a state code could just be passed through as a filter to a more generic route /tweets?state=CO&year=2014 (which may be better the more I think about it... seems like this might allow you to minimize the complexity and number of api requests allowing more filtering to be done on the front-end)
  • In the same vein, I'd guess sentiment is probably just saved as a tweets data attribute -->> { data: { sentimentality: 0.75, sentimentailty_verbose: 'Slightly Negative', pulled_at: 'dateTimeObj', tweets: {[ {id: 1, user: sdfsdf, user_prof_link: '' user_img: '', text: 'sdfsdfsdf', time: 'dateTime', trigger_hashtags: ['#poverty', '#poor']}, {...}, {...} ]} } }

Main Data/Reports

  • Need to decide on one sample report to focus on to start with
  • If we made available years clear (i'm thinking something in the /poverty endpoint), i think we could process data on an annual basis without too much extra work, I'm guessing it would just be providing a filter option to the endpoints above where I included a filter parameter
  • the /poverty/state/data endpoint was for storing things like actual reporting statistics so we could overlay those on the map... or something like that...
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