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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Contract Terms

Date: [insert date]

Between me, Nathan Long, and you, [Client]

I will do my best to fulfill your needs and meet your goals, but sometimes it’s best to have everything stated up front.

In short...

You ( [Client] ) are hiring me (Nathan Long) located at [address] to [description of work], (the project) for the estimated total price of [price] as we agreed upon in our previous correspondence. Before I begin working I require a [50%] retainer fee, which amounts to [retaineramount].

What can we expect from each other?

As my customer, you have the power and ability to enter into this contract on behalf of your company or organization. You agree to provide me with everything that I need to complete the project. This includes text, images and any other information as needed. You will provide these materials in the format that I ask for. You agree to review my work, provide feedback, and sign-off approval in a timely manner. Deadlines work two ways and you will also be bound by any dates that we set together. You also agree to stick to the payment schedule described at the end of this contract.

As the designer, I have the experience and ability to perform the services you need and I will carry them out in a professional and timely manner. Along the way I will endeavor to meet all of the deadlines set. However, I can’t be responsible for a missed launch date or a deadline if you have been late in supplying materials or have not approved or signed off my work on-time at any stage. You can also rest assured that any work I produce is original and will not infringe on any copyrights. On top of this, I will also maintain the confidentiality of any information that you give me, both during and after the project is completed.

Design Process

This contract includes one main design with up to two rounds of revisions. If you’re not happy with design after that stage, you will still pay me in full for all of the work I have produced up to that point. You may either cancel the contract or continue to commission me to make further design revisions at the hourly rate stated in the original estimate.

Changes and Revisions

The price at the beginning of this document is based on the amount of time estimated to complete your project. If you change your mind, add extra features, pages or even functionality, that won’t be a problem. However, you’ll be charged the hourly rate that I gave you in the estimate for further work. If the changes you’ve made will push you over the original estimate, I will let you know before I begin. I will ask you to put any new requests in writing for record-keeping.


You guarantee that anything you provide me (text, graphics, photos, design, trademarks, or any other artwork) is either something you own or something you have permission to use.

When I receive final payment, you will own the graphics and other visual elements I create for you in this project. I will send you a copy of all of the files, which you should store somewhere safe. You also own the text, photos, and other data you provided, unless someone else owns them. For web projects, I own the markup, CSS and other code, and it will be licensed to you for use only on this project.

I often display my work and share what I have learned with other people, so I reserve the right to display the project as part of my portfolio.

Approval and Cancellation

After you give your final written approval I am not liable for any errors occurring in this project or other work related to this project. Also, once you give your approval, you are responsible for any other processes involved with this project (web hosting, printing, etc.).

If for some reason this project is canceled, you are responsible for paying the current balance for work done. If you cancel the project after completion, you are still responsible for full payment plus all other expenses that might occur.


You agree to stick to the following payment schedule:

  • 50% non-refundable retainer due before work begins.
  • Remaining 50% due after final approval.

The delivery of the final project is conditional on receiving the final payment.

Any outstanding fees that have not been paid will be turned over for collection after 6 months. You will be responsible for paying any legal fees that come from turning it over for collection.

The Dotted Line

Signed by and on behalf of Nathan Long

Signed by and on behalf of [Client]


Everyone should sign above and keep a copy for their own records.

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