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Last active December 19, 2015 04:29
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(defun tmux-display-message(arg)
(s-trim-right (shell-command-to-string (format "tmux display-message -p '#%s'" arg))))
(defun tmux-get-current-session-name() (tmux-display-message "S"))
(defun tmux-get-current-window-number() (tmux-display-message "I"))
(defun tmux-get-current-pane() (tmux-display-message "P"))
(defun tmux-get-runner-pane()
"Get # of current pane, and then use that to guess the # of the runner/term pane.
I wonder if there is a better way to do this?"
(+ (string-to-number (tmux-get-current-pane)) 1))
(defun s-trim-right (s)
"Remove whitespace at the end of S."
(if (string-match "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" s)
(replace-match "" t t s)
(defun tmux-exec (command &optional pane-number)
"Execute command in tmux current tmux session, window and pane."
(format "tmux send-keys -t %s:%s.%s '%s' Enter"
(tmux-get-current-session-name) (tmux-get-current-window-number)
(if pane-number pane-number (tmux-get-current-pane)) command)))
(defun tmux-exec-in-runner-pane-or-without (command)
"Tries to execute in runner pane; if output indicates no success, execute w/o tmux."
(if (string-prefix-p "can't find pane:" (tmux-exec command (tmux-get-runner-pane)))
(shell-command command)))
(defun tmux-exec-in-runner-pane-or-without-interactive(command)
(interactive "sTmux/Shell Command: ")
(tmux-exec-in-runner-pane-or-without command))
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