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Last active July 12, 2022 16:46
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Aseprite MonoGame Pipeline Extension
// Very special thanks to Noel Berry
// A lot of this is borrowed from
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline;
using Impulse.Utilities;
namespace ImpulsePipeline.Aseprite
public enum Modes
Indexed = 1,
Grayscale = 2,
RGBA = 3
public class Aseprite
public Modes Mode;
public int Width;
public int Height;
public List<AsepriteFrame> Frames;
public List<AsepriteLayer> Layers;
public List<AsepriteTag> Tags;
public List<AsepriteSlice> Slices;
private enum Chunks
OldPaletteA = 0x0004,
OldPaletteB = 0x0011,
Layer = 0x2004,
Cel = 0x2005,
CelExtra = 0x2006,
Mask = 0x2016,
Path = 0x2017,
FrameTags = 0x2018,
Palette = 0x2019,
UserData = 0x2020,
Slice = 0x2022
private enum CelTypes
RawCel = 0,
LinkedCel = 1,
CompressedImage = 2
/// <summary>
/// Parses Aseprite files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">Filename</param>
/// <param name="logger">Logger</param>
public Aseprite(string filename, ContentBuildLogger logger)
Frames = new List<AsepriteFrame>();
Layers = new List<AsepriteLayer>();
Tags = new List<AsepriteTag>();
Slices = new List<AsepriteSlice>();
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
var reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
// Helpers for translating the Aseprite file format reference
// See:
byte BYTE() { return reader.ReadByte(); }
ushort WORD() { return reader.ReadUInt16(); }
short SHORT() { return reader.ReadInt16(); }
uint DWORD() { return reader.ReadUInt32(); }
long LONG() { return reader.ReadInt32(); }
string STRING() { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BYTES(WORD())); }
byte[] BYTES(int number) { return reader.ReadBytes(number); }
void SEEK(int number) { reader.BaseStream.Position += number; }
int frameCount;
// Consume header
// Magic number
var magic = WORD();
if (magic != 0xA5e0)
throw new Exception("File doesn't appear to be from Aseprite.");
// Basic info
frameCount = WORD();
Width = WORD();
Height = WORD();
Mode = (Modes)(WORD() / 8);
logger.LogMessage($"Cels are {Width}x{Height}");
// Ignore a bunch of stuff
DWORD(); // Flags
WORD(); // Speed (deprecated)
DWORD(); // 0
DWORD(); // 0
BYTE(); // Palette entry
SEEK(3); // Ignore these bytes
WORD(); // Number of colors (0 means 256 for old sprites)
BYTE(); // Pixel width
BYTE(); // Pixel height
SEEK(92); // For Future
// Some temporary holders
var colorBuffer = new byte[Width * Height * (int)Mode];
var palette = new Color[256];
IUserData lastUserData = null;
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
var frame = new AsepriteFrame();
long frameStart;
long frameEnd;
int chunkCount;
// Frame header
frameStart = reader.BaseStream.Position;
frameEnd = frameStart + DWORD();
WORD(); // Magic number (always 0xF1FA)
chunkCount = WORD();
frame.Duration = WORD() / 1000f;
SEEK(6); // For future (set to zero)
for (int j = 0; j < chunkCount; j++)
long chunkStart;
long chunkEnd;
Chunks chunkType;
// Chunk header
chunkStart = reader.BaseStream.Position;
chunkEnd = chunkStart + DWORD();
chunkType = (Chunks)WORD();
// Layer
if (chunkType == Chunks.Layer)
var layer = new AsepriteLayer();
layer.Flag = (AsepriteLayer.Flags)WORD();
layer.Type = (AsepriteLayer.Types)WORD();
layer.ChildLevel = WORD();
WORD(); // width
WORD(); // height
layer.BlendMode = (AsepriteLayer.BlendModes)WORD();
layer.Opacity = BYTE() / 255f;
layer.Name = STRING();
lastUserData = layer;
// Cel
else if (chunkType == Chunks.Cel)
var cel = new AsepriteCel();
var layerIndex = WORD();
cel.Layer = Layers[layerIndex]; // Layer is row (Frame is column)
cel.X = SHORT();
cel.Y = SHORT();
cel.Opacity = BYTE() / 255f;
var celType = (CelTypes)WORD();
if (celType == CelTypes.RawCel || celType == CelTypes.CompressedImage)
cel.Width = WORD();
cel.Height = WORD();
var byteCount = cel.Width * cel.Height * (int)Mode;
if (celType == CelTypes.RawCel)
reader.Read(colorBuffer, 0, byteCount);
var deflate = new DeflateStream(reader.BaseStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
deflate.Read(colorBuffer, 0, byteCount);
cel.Pixels = new Color[cel.Width * cel.Height];
ConvertBytesToPixels(colorBuffer, cel.Pixels, palette);
else if (celType == CelTypes.LinkedCel)
var targetFrame = WORD(); // Frame position to link with
// Grab the cel from a previous frame
var targetCel = Frames[targetFrame].Cels.Where(c => c.Layer == Layers[layerIndex]).First();
cel.Width = targetCel.Width;
cel.Height = targetCel.Height;
cel.Pixels = targetCel.Pixels;
lastUserData = cel;
// Palette
else if (chunkType == Chunks.Palette)
var size = DWORD();
var start = DWORD();
var end = DWORD();
for (int c = 0; c < (end - start); c++)
var hasName = Calc.IsBitSet(WORD(), 0);
palette[start + c] = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE());
if (hasName)
STRING(); // Color name
// User data
else if (chunkType == Chunks.UserData)
if (lastUserData != null)
var flags = DWORD();
if (Calc.IsBitSet(flags, 0))
lastUserData.UserDataText = STRING();
else if (Calc.IsBitSet(flags, 1))
lastUserData.UserDataColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE());
// Tag (animation reference)
else if (chunkType == Chunks.FrameTags)
var tagsCount = WORD();
for (int t = 0; t < tagsCount; t++)
var tag = new AsepriteTag();
tag.From = WORD();
tag.To = WORD();
tag.LoopDirection = (AsepriteTag.LoopDirections)BYTE();
tag.Color = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE(), 255);
tag.Name = STRING();
// Slice
else if (chunkType == Chunks.Slice)
var slicesCount = DWORD();
var flags = DWORD();
var name = STRING();
for (int s = 0; s < slicesCount; s++)
var slice = new AsepriteSlice();
slice.Name = name;
slice.Frame = (int)DWORD();
slice.OriginX = (int)LONG();
slice.OriginY = (int)LONG();
slice.Width = (int)DWORD();
slice.Height = (int)DWORD();
// 9 slice
if (Calc.IsBitSet(flags, 0))
LONG(); // Center X position (relative to slice bounds)
LONG(); // Center Y position
DWORD(); // Center width
DWORD(); // Center height
// Pivot
else if (Calc.IsBitSet(flags, 1))
slice.Pivot = new Point((int)DWORD(), (int)DWORD());
lastUserData = slice;
reader.BaseStream.Position = chunkEnd;
reader.BaseStream.Position = frameEnd;
// Log out what we found
foreach (var layer in Layers)
foreach (var animation in Tags)
if (animation.To == animation.From)
logger.LogMessage($"\t{animation.Name} => {animation.From + 1}");
logger.LogMessage($"\t{animation.Name} => {animation.From + 1} - {animation.To + 1}");
private void ConvertBytesToPixels(byte[] bytes, Color[] pixels, Color[] palette)
int length = pixels.Length;
if (Mode == Modes.RGBA)
for (int pixel = 0, b = 0; pixel < length; pixel++, b += 4)
pixels[pixel].R = (byte)(bytes[b + 0] * bytes[b + 3] / 255);
pixels[pixel].G = (byte)(bytes[b + 1] * bytes[b + 3] / 255);
pixels[pixel].B = (byte)(bytes[b + 2] * bytes[b + 3] / 255);
pixels[pixel].A = bytes[b + 3];
else if (Mode == Modes.Grayscale)
for (int pixel = 0, b = 0; pixel < length; pixel++, b += 2)
pixels[pixel].R = pixels[pixel].G = pixels[pixel].B = (byte)(bytes[b + 0] * bytes[b + 1] / 255);
pixels[pixel].A = bytes[b + 1];
else if (Mode == Modes.Indexed)
for (int pixel = 0, paletteIndex = 0; pixel < length; pixel++, paletteIndex += 1)
pixels[pixel] = palette[paletteIndex];
// UserData are extended chunks that get attached
// to other chunks
public interface IUserData
string UserDataText { get; set; }
Color UserDataColor { get; set; }
// A layer stores just the meta info for a row
// of cels
public class AsepriteLayer : IUserData
public enum Flags
Visible = 1,
Editable = 2,
LockMovement = 4,
Background = 8,
PreferLinkedCels = 16,
Collapsed = 32,
Reference = 64
public enum Types
Normal = 0,
Group = 1
public enum BlendModes
Normal = 0,
Multiply = 1,
Screen = 2,
Overlay = 3,
Darken = 4,
Lighten = 5,
ColorDodge = 6,
ColorBurn = 7,
HardLight = 8,
SoftLight = 9,
Difference = 10,
Exclusion = 11,
Hue = 12,
Saturation = 13,
Color = 14,
Luminosity = 15,
Addition = 16,
Subtract = 17,
Divide = 18
public Flags Flag;
public Types Type;
public string Name;
public float Opacity;
public BlendModes BlendMode;
public int ChildLevel;
string IUserData.UserDataText { get; set; }
Color IUserData.UserDataColor { get; set; }
// A frame is a column of cels
public class AsepriteFrame
public float Duration;
public List<AsepriteCel> Cels;
public AsepriteFrame()
Cels = new List<AsepriteCel>();
// Tags are animation references
public class AsepriteTag
public enum LoopDirections
Forward = 0,
Reverse = 1,
PingPong = 2
public string Name;
public LoopDirections LoopDirection;
public int From;
public int To;
public Color Color;
public struct AsepriteSlice : IUserData
public int Frame;
public string Name;
public int OriginX;
public int OriginY;
public int Width;
public int Height;
public Point? Pivot;
string IUserData.UserDataText { get; set; }
Color IUserData.UserDataColor { get; set; }
// Cels are just pixel grids
public class AsepriteCel : IUserData
public AsepriteLayer Layer;
public Color[] Pixels;
public int X;
public int Y;
public int Width;
public int Height;
public float Opacity;
public string UserDataText { get; set; }
public Color UserDataColor { get; set; }
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline;
namespace ImpulsePipeline.Aseprite
[ContentImporter(".aseprite", ".ase", DefaultProcessor = "AsepriteProcessor", DisplayName = "Aseprite Importer - Impulse")]
public class AsepriteImporter : ContentImporter<Aseprite>
public override Aseprite Import(string filename, ContentImporterContext context)
return new Aseprite(filename, context.Logger);
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline;
namespace ImpulsePipeline.Aseprite
[ContentProcessor(DisplayName = "Aseprite Processor - Impulse")]
public class AsepriteProcessor : ContentProcessor<Aseprite, ProcessedAseprite>
public override ProcessedAseprite Process(Aseprite input, ContentProcessorContext context)
return new ProcessedAseprite()
Logger = context.Logger,
Aseprite = input
public class ProcessedAseprite
public ContentBuildLogger Logger;
public Aseprite Aseprite;
using Impulse.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Impulse.Content
public class AsepriteReader : ContentTypeReader<Aseprite>
protected override Aseprite Read(ContentReader input, Aseprite existingInstance)
if (existingInstance != null) return existingInstance;
int width = input.ReadInt32();
int height = input.ReadInt32();
Aseprite aseprite = new Aseprite()
Width = width,
Height = height
// Layers
int layersCount = input.ReadInt32();
SpriteLayer layer;
List<SpriteLayer> layersByIndex = new List<SpriteLayer>();
for (int i = 0; i < layersCount; i++)
layer = new SpriteLayer()
Name = input.ReadString(),
Opacity = input.ReadSingle(),
BlendMode = (SpriteLayer.BlendModes)input.ReadInt32(),
IsVisible = input.ReadBoolean()
aseprite.Layers.Add(layer.Name, layer);
// Use this for referencing cels down further
// Frames
int framesCount = input.ReadInt32();
SpriteFrame frame;
int celsCount;
SpriteCel cel;
int celOriginX;
int celOriginY;
int celWidth;
int celHeight;
Color pixel;
int pixelIndex;
int textureWidth = framesCount * width;
int textureHeight = layersCount * height;
Color[] pixelData = new Color[textureWidth * textureHeight];
for (int f = 0; f < framesCount; f++)
frame = new SpriteFrame()
Duration = input.ReadSingle()
// Cels
celsCount = input.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < celsCount; i++)
int layerIndex = input.ReadInt32();
cel = new SpriteCel()
Layer = layersByIndex[layerIndex],
ClipRect = new Rectangle(f * width, layerIndex * height, width, height)
// Get info for the texture
celOriginX = input.ReadInt32();
celOriginY = input.ReadInt32();
celWidth = input.ReadInt32();
celHeight = input.ReadInt32();
for (int celY = celOriginY; celY < celOriginY + celHeight; celY++)
for (int celX = celOriginX; celX < celOriginX + celWidth; celX++)
pixel = input.ReadColor();
// | x | y
pixelIndex = (f * width) + celX + ((layerIndex * height) + celY) * textureWidth;
pixelData[pixelIndex] = pixel;
// Dump our pixels into the texture
aseprite.Texture = new Texture2D(Engine.Graphics.GraphicsDevice, textureWidth, textureHeight);
// Animations
int animationsCount = input.ReadInt32();
SpriteAnimation animation;
for (int i = 0; i < animationsCount; i++)
animation = new SpriteAnimation()
Name = input.ReadString(),
FirstFrame = input.ReadInt32(),
LastFrame = input.ReadInt32()
aseprite.Animations.Add(animation.Name, animation);
// If no animations were added then just add one
// that covers all frames
if (aseprite.Animations.Count == 0)
animation = new SpriteAnimation()
Name = "Idle",
FirstFrame = 0,
LastFrame = aseprite.Frames.Count - 1
aseprite.Animations.Add(animation.Name, animation);
return aseprite;
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Serialization.Compiler;
using Impulse.Content;
namespace ImpulsePipeline.Aseprite
class AsepriteWriter : ContentTypeWriter<ProcessedAseprite>
/// <summary>
/// Write the Aseprite file. Format is:
/// Aseprite Document:
/// Width
/// Height
/// Layers: []
/// Name
/// Opacity
/// BlendMode
/// IsVisible
/// Frames: []
/// Duration
/// Cels: []
/// LayerIndex
/// X
/// Y
/// Width
/// Height
/// Pixels
/// Animations: []
/// Name
/// From
/// To
/// </summary>
/// <param name="output">Output.</param>
/// <param name="value">Value.</param>
protected override void Write(ContentWriter output, ProcessedAseprite value)
Aseprite aseprite = value.Aseprite;
// Layers
foreach (var layer in aseprite.Layers)
// Frames
foreach (var frame in aseprite.Frames)
for (int i = 0; i < frame.Cels.Count; i++)
var cel = frame.Cels[i];
int size = cel.Width * cel.Height;
for (int p = 0; p < size; p++)
// Animations
foreach (var animation in aseprite.Tags)
public override string GetRuntimeType(TargetPlatform targetPlatform)
Type type = typeof(AsepriteReader);
string readerType = type.Namespace + ".AsepriteReader, " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName;
return readerType;
public override string GetRuntimeReader(TargetPlatform targetPlatform)
Type type = typeof(AsepriteReader);
string readerType = type.Namespace + ".AsepriteReader, " + type.Assembly.FullName;
return readerType;
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marpe commented Jul 12, 2022

See my comment here for anyone having issues with larger files

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