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Last active May 16, 2016 02:33
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Climate Change Topic Modelling

After obtaining articles from the New York Times that included the phrases 'climate change' and 'global warming' between 1988 - 2016, Dynamic Topic Modeling was applied to search for shifts in the discussion of climate change over time. Analyses were performed using the Python package 'gensim', which provides a wrapper for a C+ based program based on that originally developed by David Blei ( A total of 8 coherent topics were identified and labled. The top 10 words from each year were then identified and used to generate streamplots using d3.js.

Streamplots aren't the perfect visualization, but they do provide a useful means of assessing the general importance of particular words within each topic and how the use of those words, within that topic, and within the broader umbrella of "Climate Change' has shifted over time.

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<h2 style="margin-left:3em;">Climate Change Topic Streamplot</h2>
<h1 style="margin-left:2em;">Topic 1 - Science / Nature / Species </h1>
<p> Using articles from the NY Times and Dynamic Topic Modelling to assess how the discussion of 'climate change' and 'global warming' have changed over time. </p>
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<p align = "right", style="font-size:93%;"><a style="color:#969696;", href=>Inspired by</a></p>
<p align = "right", style="font-size:93%;"><a style="color:#969696;", href=>Topic #2</a></p>
<p style="font-size:93%;">Brief methods: New York Times (NYT) articles were accessed through the NYT API using the search terms 'climate change' and 'global warming' for the years January 1988 through March 2016. After tokenizing the data, removing very common words, and words that only occurred a single time, a Dynamic Topic Modeling analysis was performed using the Python package 'gensim'. Eight different topics and the words most associated with those topics over time were identified. Visualizations of the topics themselves, and the words associated with them, were created to aid in identifying how the discussion of global climate has shifted. Dynamic Topic Modeling is an exploratory analysis tool, attempting to identify latent or hidden features in text data. As such the results should be viewed as suggesting areas of additional emphasis rather than any causal or diffinitive relationships. Additionally, these data were drawn from the New York Times. Text from other publications would likely show different, but likely interesting patterns. </p>
key date value
1 also 1988 0
2 also 1989 0
3 also 1990 0
4 also 1991 0
5 also 1992 0
6 also 1993 0
7 also 1994 0
8 also 1995 0
9 also 1996 0
10 also 1997 0
11 also 1998 0
12 also 1999 0
13 also 2000 0
14 also 2001 0
15 also 2002 0
16 also 2003 0
17 also 2004 0
18 also 2005 0
19 also 2006 0
20 also 2007 0
21 also 2008 0
22 also 2009 0
23 also 2010 0
24 also 2011 0
25 also 2012 0
26 also 2013 0
27 also 2014 0
28 also 2015 0
29 also 2016 0
30 change 1988 0
31 change 1989 0
32 change 1990 0
33 change 1991 0
34 change 1992 0
35 change 1993 0
36 change 1994 0
37 change 1995 0
38 change 1996 0
39 change 1997 0
40 change 1998 0
41 change 1999 0
42 change 2000 0
43 change 2001 0
44 change 2002 0
45 change 2003 0
46 change 2004 0
47 change 2005 0
48 change 2006 0
49 change 2007 0
50 change 2008 0
51 change 2009 0
52 change 2010 0
53 change 2011 0
54 change 2012 0
55 change 2013 0
56 change 2014 0
57 change 2015 0
58 change 2016 0
59 climate 1988 0.00300679
60 climate 1989 0.003005982
61 climate 1990 0.002993911
62 climate 1991 0
63 climate 1992 0
64 climate 1993 0
65 climate 1994 0
66 climate 1995 0
67 climate 1996 0
68 climate 1997 0
69 climate 1998 0
70 climate 1999 0
71 climate 2000 0
72 climate 2001 0
73 climate 2002 0
74 climate 2003 0
75 climate 2004 0
76 climate 2005 0
77 climate 2006 0
78 climate 2007 0
79 climate 2008 0.002371964
80 climate 2009 0.002438772
81 climate 2010 0.002489815
82 climate 2011 0.002566014
83 climate 2012 0.002618766
84 climate 2013 0.002683698
85 climate 2014 0.002737529
86 climate 2015 0.00278965
87 climate 2016 0.002825979
88 could 1988 0
89 could 1989 0
90 could 1990 0
91 could 1991 0
92 could 1992 0
93 could 1993 0.002983597
94 could 1994 0.003038624
95 could 1995 0.003114411
96 could 1996 0.003200442
97 could 1997 0.003287686
98 could 1998 0.003363553
99 could 1999 0.003409498
100 could 2000 0.003403096
101 could 2001 0.003386183
102 could 2002 0.003395748
103 could 2003 0.003414721
104 could 2004 0.003433487
105 could 2005 0.003447933
106 could 2006 0.003456503
107 could 2007 0.003471902
108 could 2008 0.003486586
109 could 2009 0.003485596
110 could 2010 0.003476044
111 could 2011 0.003517443
112 could 2012 0.00357138
113 could 2013 0.003563497
114 could 2014 0.003539398
115 could 2015 0.003522483
116 could 2016 0.003505515
117 fish 1988 0
118 fish 1989 0
119 fish 1990 0
120 fish 1991 0
121 fish 1992 0
122 fish 1993 0
123 fish 1994 0
124 fish 1995 0
125 fish 1996 0
126 fish 1997 0
127 fish 1998 0
128 fish 1999 0
129 fish 2000 0
130 fish 2001 0
131 fish 2002 0
132 fish 2003 0
133 fish 2004 0
134 fish 2005 0
135 fish 2006 0
136 fish 2007 0
137 fish 2008 0
138 fish 2009 0
139 fish 2010 0
140 fish 2011 0
141 fish 2012 0
142 fish 2013 0
143 fish 2014 0.002455589
144 fish 2015 0.002604009
145 fish 2016 0.002597072
146 forest 1988 0.003298933
147 forest 1989 0.003319259
148 forest 1990 0.003162896
149 forest 1991 0.003085312
150 forest 1992 0.003055387
151 forest 1993 0
152 forest 1994 0
153 forest 1995 0
154 forest 1996 0
155 forest 1997 0
156 forest 1998 0
157 forest 1999 0
158 forest 2000 0
159 forest 2001 0
160 forest 2002 0
161 forest 2003 0
162 forest 2004 0
163 forest 2005 0.002334766
164 forest 2006 0
165 forest 2007 0.002411195
166 forest 2008 0.002540238
167 forest 2009 0.002703953
168 forest 2010 0.002541498
169 forest 2011 0.002428008
170 forest 2012 0
171 forest 2013 0
172 forest 2014 0
173 forest 2015 0
174 forest 2016 0
175 global 1988 0.003232382
176 global 1989 0.00327385
177 global 1990 0.003321473
178 global 1991 0.00335173
179 global 1992 0.00335119
180 global 1993 0.003357254
181 global 1994 0.003363031
182 global 1995 0.003360915
183 global 1996 0.003315372
184 global 1997 0.003212775
185 global 1998 0.003086905
186 global 1999 0.002946526
187 global 2000 0
188 global 2001 0
189 global 2002 0
190 global 2003 0
191 global 2004 0
192 global 2005 0
193 global 2006 0
194 global 2007 0
195 global 2008 0
196 global 2009 0
197 global 2010 0
198 global 2011 0
199 global 2012 0
200 global 2013 0
201 global 2014 0
202 global 2015 0
203 global 2016 0
204 ice 1988 0.003820811
205 ice 1989 0.003897743
206 ice 1990 0.003983073
207 ice 1991 0.0038758
208 ice 1992 0.003749992
209 ice 1993 0.003676914
210 ice 1994 0.003654308
211 ice 1995 0.003698539
212 ice 1996 0.003809263
213 ice 1997 0.003963077
214 ice 1998 0.004170194
215 ice 1999 0.004423799
216 ice 2000 0.004516401
217 ice 2001 0.00469005
218 ice 2002 0.004870939
219 ice 2003 0.00480878
220 ice 2004 0.004429378
221 ice 2005 0.00368924
222 ice 2006 0.003127642
223 ice 2007 0.00265742
224 ice 2008 0
225 ice 2009 0
226 ice 2010 0
227 ice 2011 0
228 ice 2012 0
229 ice 2013 0
230 ice 2014 0
231 ice 2015 0
232 ice 2016 0
233 last 1988 0
234 last 1989 0
235 last 1990 0
236 last 1991 0
237 last 1992 0.002961775
238 last 1993 0.003010004
239 last 1994 0.003022832
240 last 1995 0
241 last 1996 0
242 last 1997 0
243 last 1998 0
244 last 1999 0
245 last 2000 0
246 last 2001 0
247 last 2002 0
248 last 2003 0
249 last 2004 0
250 last 2005 0
251 last 2006 0
252 last 2007 0
253 last 2008 0
254 last 2009 0
255 last 2010 0
256 last 2011 0
257 last 2012 0
258 last 2013 0
259 last 2014 0
260 last 2015 0
261 last 2016 0
262 many 1988 0
263 many 1989 0
264 many 1990 0
265 many 1991 0
266 many 1992 0
267 many 1993 0
268 many 1994 0
269 many 1995 0
270 many 1996 0
271 many 1997 0
272 many 1998 0
273 many 1999 0
274 many 2000 0.002853815
275 many 2001 0.002859172
276 many 2002 0.002819275
277 many 2003 0.002732382
278 many 2004 0.002681481
279 many 2005 0.00269056
280 many 2006 0.002726056
281 many 2007 0.00277329
282 many 2008 0.002814135
283 many 2009 0.002856974
284 many 2010 0.002923566
285 many 2011 0.002979812
286 many 2012 0.002977498
287 many 2013 0.002984329
288 many 2014 0.003047084
289 many 2015 0.003099825
290 many 2016 0.003105899
291 may 1988 0.003080262
292 may 1989 0.003074723
293 may 1990 0.00308339
294 may 1991 0.003127534
295 may 1992 0.003197452
296 may 1993 0.003255198
297 may 1994 0.003300777
298 may 1995 0.003310809
299 may 1996 0.00330027
300 may 1997 0.003273867
301 may 1998 0.003245149
302 may 1999 0.003221422
303 may 2000 0.003214993
304 may 2001 0.003232069
305 may 2002 0.003225125
306 may 2003 0.003199361
307 may 2004 0.003118825
308 may 2005 0.002987226
309 may 2006 0.002766751
310 may 2007 0.002568195
311 may 2008 0.002486477
312 may 2009 0.002450906
313 may 2010 0.002463764
314 may 2011 0.002465714
315 may 2012 0.002453143
316 may 2013 0.00244505
317 may 2014 0.00247223
318 may 2015 0.002495439
319 may 2016 0
320 ocean 1988 0.003715519
321 ocean 1989 0.003804547
322 ocean 1990 0.003939125
323 ocean 1991 0.003950818
324 ocean 1992 0.003791294
325 ocean 1993 0.003601481
326 ocean 1994 0.003360115
327 ocean 1995 0.003113222
328 ocean 1996 0
329 ocean 1997 0
330 ocean 1998 0
331 ocean 1999 0
332 ocean 2000 0
333 ocean 2001 0
334 ocean 2002 0
335 ocean 2003 0
336 ocean 2004 0
337 ocean 2005 0
338 ocean 2006 0
339 ocean 2007 0
340 ocean 2008 0
341 ocean 2009 0
342 ocean 2010 0
343 ocean 2011 0
344 ocean 2012 0.002514485
345 ocean 2013 0.002653548
346 ocean 2014 0.00284463
347 ocean 2015 0.00322734
348 ocean 2016 0.003398163
349 people 1988 0
350 people 1989 0
351 people 1990 0
352 people 1991 0
353 people 1992 0
354 people 1993 0
355 people 1994 0
356 people 1995 0
357 people 1996 0
358 people 1997 0
359 people 1998 0
360 people 1999 0
361 people 2000 0
362 people 2001 0
363 people 2002 0
364 people 2003 0
365 people 2004 0
366 people 2005 0
367 people 2006 0.002416523
368 people 2007 0.002496939
369 people 2008 0.002553595
370 people 2009 0.002565437
371 people 2010 0.002548287
372 people 2011 0.002534963
373 people 2012 0.002536979
374 people 2013 0.002515278
375 people 2014 0
376 people 2015 0
377 people 2016 0
378 scientists 1988 0.007655511
379 scientists 1989 0.007796159
380 scientists 1990 0.007887251
381 scientists 1991 0.007813476
382 scientists 1992 0.007518721
383 scientists 1993 0.007300607
384 scientists 1994 0.007012045
385 scientists 1995 0.006684847
386 scientists 1996 0.006348963
387 scientists 1997 0.006025537
388 scientists 1998 0.005803308
389 scientists 1999 0.005577348
390 scientists 2000 0.005339015
391 scientists 2001 0.005030151
392 scientists 2002 0.004672405
393 scientists 2003 0.004332294
394 scientists 2004 0.004031613
395 scientists 2005 0.003782049
396 scientists 2006 0.003472689
397 scientists 2007 0.003221331
398 scientists 2008 0.003215572
399 scientists 2009 0.003465868
400 scientists 2010 0.003779177
401 scientists 2011 0.003988904
402 scientists 2012 0.003971003
403 scientists 2013 0.003977858
404 scientists 2014 0.003957874
405 scientists 2015 0.003975919
406 scientists 2016 0.004008116
407 sea 1988 0
408 sea 1989 0
409 sea 1990 0
410 sea 1991 0
411 sea 1992 0
412 sea 1993 0
413 sea 1994 0
414 sea 1995 0.00296483
415 sea 1996 0.002953104
416 sea 1997 0.002967512
417 sea 1998 0.002978586
418 sea 1999 0.003006635
419 sea 2000 0.002933705
420 sea 2001 0.002846677
421 sea 2002 0.002725036
422 sea 2003 0
423 sea 2004 0.002409373
424 sea 2005 0
425 sea 2006 0
426 sea 2007 0
427 sea 2008 0
428 sea 2009 0
429 sea 2010 0
430 sea 2011 0
431 sea 2012 0
432 sea 2013 0
433 sea 2014 0
434 sea 2015 0
435 sea 2016 0
436 species 1988 0.003814069
437 species 1989 0.00379609
438 species 1990 0.00386125
439 species 1991 0.003951862
440 species 1992 0.004101063
441 species 1993 0.004198053
442 species 1994 0.004309505
443 species 1995 0.004392232
444 species 1996 0.004201928
445 species 1997 0.003980435
446 species 1998 0.003837408
447 species 1999 0.00376488
448 species 2000 0.003762489
449 species 2001 0.003769145
450 species 2002 0.003737937
451 species 2003 0.003654806
452 species 2004 0.003667015
453 species 2005 0.003762392
454 species 2006 0.003770097
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457 species 2009 0.004331124
458 species 2010 0.004684177
459 species 2011 0.004872392
460 species 2012 0.004868356
461 species 2013 0.00498666
462 species 2014 0.005224149
463 species 2015 0.005283629
464 species 2016 0.0051935
465 two 1988 0
466 two 1989 0
467 two 1990 0
468 two 1991 0
469 two 1992 0
470 two 1993 0
471 two 1994 0
472 two 1995 0
473 two 1996 0
474 two 1997 0
475 two 1998 0
476 two 1999 0
477 two 2000 0
478 two 2001 0
479 two 2002 0
480 two 2003 0
481 two 2004 0
482 two 2005 0
483 two 2006 0
484 two 2007 0
485 two 2008 0
486 two 2009 0
487 two 2010 0
488 two 2011 0
489 two 2012 0
490 two 2013 0
491 two 2014 0
492 two 2015 0
493 two 2016 0
494 university 1988 0
495 university 1989 0
496 university 1990 0
497 university 1991 0.002919902
498 university 1992 0
499 university 1993 0
500 university 1994 0
501 university 1995 0
502 university 1996 0
503 university 1997 0
504 university 1998 0
505 university 1999 0
506 university 2000 0
507 university 2001 0
508 university 2002 0
509 university 2003 0
510 university 2004 0
511 university 2005 0
512 university 2006 0
513 university 2007 0
514 university 2008 0
515 university 2009 0
516 university 2010 0
517 university 2011 0
518 university 2012 0
519 university 2013 0
520 university 2014 0
521 university 2015 0
522 university 2016 0
523 warming 1988 0
524 warming 1989 0
525 warming 1990 0
526 warming 1991 0
527 warming 1992 0
528 warming 1993 0
529 warming 1994 0
530 warming 1995 0
531 warming 1996 0.002973718
532 warming 1997 0.002984067
533 warming 1998 0.002986298
534 warming 1999 0.002959533
535 warming 2000 0.002886844
536 warming 2001 0.002810899
537 warming 2002 0
538 warming 2003 0
539 warming 2004 0
540 warming 2005 0
541 warming 2006 0
542 warming 2007 0
543 warming 2008 0
544 warming 2009 0
545 warming 2010 0
546 warming 2011 0
547 warming 2012 0
548 warming 2013 0
549 warming 2014 0
550 warming 2015 0
551 warming 2016 0
552 water 1988 0.004602393
553 water 1989 0.004640839
554 water 1990 0.004676999
555 water 1991 0.004517641
556 water 1992 0.00435939
557 water 1993 0.004287745
558 water 1994 0.004139385
559 water 1995 0.003952685
560 water 1996 0.003803308
561 water 1997 0.003675572
562 water 1998 0.00353447
563 water 1999 0.003418345
564 water 2000 0.003207756
565 water 2001 0.002965084
566 water 2002 0.00276964
567 water 2003 0.00255926
568 water 2004 0
569 water 2005 0
570 water 2006 0
571 water 2007 0
572 water 2008 0
573 water 2009 0
574 water 2010 0
575 water 2011 0
576 water 2012 0
577 water 2013 0
578 water 2014 0
579 water 2015 0
580 water 2016 0
581 world 1988 0
582 world 1989 0
583 world 1990 0
584 world 1991 0
585 world 1992 0
586 world 1993 0
587 world 1994 0
588 world 1995 0
589 world 1996 0
590 world 1997 0
591 world 1998 0
592 world 1999 0
593 world 2000 0
594 world 2001 0
595 world 2002 0
596 world 2003 0
597 world 2004 0
598 world 2005 0
599 world 2006 0
600 world 2007 0
601 world 2008 0
602 world 2009 0
603 world 2010 0
604 world 2011 0
605 world 2012 0
606 world 2013 0
607 world 2014 0
608 world 2015 0.002487142
609 world 2016 0.002516844
610 year 1988 0
611 year 1989 0
612 year 1990 0
613 year 1991 0
614 year 1992 0
615 year 1993 0
616 year 1994 0
617 year 1995 0
618 year 1996 0
619 year 1997 0
620 year 1998 0
621 year 1999 0
622 year 2000 0
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624 year 2002 0
625 year 2003 0
626 year 2004 0
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630 year 2008 0
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632 year 2010 0
633 year 2011 0
634 year 2012 0
635 year 2013 0
636 year 2014 0
637 year 2015 0
638 year 2016 0
639 years 1988 0
640 years 1989 0
641 years 1990 0
642 years 1991 0
643 years 1992 0
644 years 1993 0
645 years 1994 0
646 years 1995 0
647 years 1996 0
648 years 1997 0
649 years 1998 0
650 years 1999 0
651 years 2000 0
652 years 2001 0
653 years 2002 0
654 years 2003 0
655 years 2004 0
656 years 2005 0
657 years 2006 0
658 years 2007 0
659 years 2008 0
660 years 2009 0
661 years 2010 0
662 years 2011 0
663 years 2012 0
664 years 2013 0
665 years 2014 0
666 years 2015 0
667 years 2016 0
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