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Last active January 20, 2022 03:09
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Approximate compare of DateOffset strings in pandas
# Comparing pandas DateOffset strings directly one another is not available
# as a method of the DateOffset class in python. The reason is straightforward:
# offsets are "timestamp context" dependent.
# For example 1M can be either 28D, 29D, 30D, or 31D so there is no way to compare
# *exactly * DateOffset strings with each other out of context.
# To alleviate this, here below you can find a reference implementation
# for an approximate comparison assuming months of 30 days, and years of 365 days.
def alias_to_days(x):
return {
"B": 1,
"D": 1,
"W": 7,
"M": 30,
"SM": 15,
"BM": 30,
"MS": 30,
"SMS": 15,
"BMS": 30,
"Q": 90,
"BQ": 90,
"QS": 90,
"BQS": 90,
"A": 365,
"Y": 365,
"BA": 365,
"BY": 365,
"AS": 365,
"YS": 365,
"BAS": 365,
"BYS": 365,
}.get(x, None)
def alias_to_seconds(x):
return {
"BH": 3600,
"H": 3600,
"T": 60,
"min": 60,
"S": 1,
def alias_to_int(x):
n= to_days(x)
if n is not None:
return n * 86400
n= to_seconds(x)
if n is not None:
return n
raise ValueError(f'{x} is not a valid/supported string offset')
import re
def offset_to_int(x):
i = 0
g = re.match(first,x).groups()
i += (int(g[0]) or 1)* alias_to_int(g[1])
# handle concatenated datetime offset strings
if g[3]:
for e in re.findall(block,g[3]):
i += (int(e[0]) or 1)* alias_to_int(e[1])
return i
def compare_offsets(a, b):
if a==b:
return 0
a = offset_to_int(a)
b = offset_to_int(b)
if a==b:
return 0
elif a>b:
return 1
return -1
>> compare_offsets('72H30T', '3D')
>> compare_offsets('72H', '3D')
>> compare_offsets('2B12BH', '3D')
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