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Last active February 9, 2019 02:37
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Mandelbrot Renderer Script in Jn
;; based on
;; no idea why System.Drawing.dll is not normally findable, this should be
;; (import "System.Drawing")
(import-from "/lib/mono/gac/System.Drawing/")
(use "System.Drawing")
(use "System.Drawing.Imaging")
;; should be in stdlib
(defn jn.core/- [^Double a ^Double b]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (ldarg-1) (sub)))
(defn jn.core/- [^Double a ^Int32 b]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (ldarg-1) (conv-r8) (sub)))
(defn jn.core/- [^Int32 a ^Double b]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (conv-r8) (ldarg-1) (sub)))
(defn jn.core/multiply [^Double x ^Int32 y]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (ldarg-1) (conv-r8) (mul)))
(defn jn.core/multiply [^Int64 x ^Double y]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (conv-r8) (ldarg-1) (mul)))
;; blah name resolution on / is being weird, so just div for now
(defn div [^Int64 a ^Int64 b]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (conv-r8) (ldarg-1) (conv-r8) (div)))
(defn div [^Int32 a ^Int32 b]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (conv-r8) (ldarg-1) (conv-r8) (div)))
(defn div [^Double a ^Double b]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (ldarg-1) (div)))
(defn div [^Double a ^Int32 b]
(cil* Double (ldarg-0) (ldarg-1) (conv-r8) (div)))
(defn int [^Double x]
(cil* Int32 (ldarg-0) (conv-i4)))
(defn clamp [^Double x ^Double min ^Double max]
(< x min) min
(< max x) max
;; complex type + methods
(def complex (type [^Double re ^Double im]))
(defn jn.core/add [^complex x ^complex y]
(complex (+ (.re x) (.re y))
(+ (.im x) (.im y))))
(defn jn.core/multiply [^complex x ^complex y]
(complex (- (* (.re x) (.re y))
(* (.im x) (.im y)))
(+ (* (.re x) (.im y))
(* (.im x) (.re y)))))
(defn norm [^complex c]
(+ (* (.re c) (.re c))
(* (.im c) (.im c))))
;; mandelbrot algorithms
(defn mandelbrot-color [^complex c]
(let [iterations 1000
max-extent 2.
max-norm (* max-extent max-extent)
max-color 255.
contrast .2]
(loop [z (complex) iteration 0]
(and (< (norm z) max-norm) (< iteration iterations))
(recur (+ (* z z) c) (inc iteration))
(< iteration iterations)
(let [v (div iteration iterations)]
(int (* max-color (- 1. (Math/Pow v .25))))
(int (* max-color (Math/Pow v contrast)))))
;; whoa this kind of sucks. let and loop dont have macros that handle
;; the implicit do yet, and a built in forloop/dotimes macro is maybe not a
;; bad idea either
(defn render [^Int32 width ^Int32 height]
(let [bmp (Bitmap width height)
max-extent 2.
scale (* 2 (div max-extent (Math/Min width height)))]
(loop [i 0i]
(let [y (* scale (- (div height 2i) i))]
(loop [j 0i]
(let [x (* scale (- j (div width 2i)))
c (mandelbrot-color (complex x y))]
(.SetPixel bmp j i c))
(when (< j width) (recur (inc j)))))
(when (< i height) (recur (inc i))))))
(let [bmp (render 500i 500i)]
(.Save bmp "/home/nasser/projects/jn/fs/out.png" ImageFormat/Png))
using jn;
using Jn;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("")]
public static class user
public struct complex
public readonly double re;
public readonly double im;
public complex(double re, double im)
{ = re; = im;
static user()
// Note: this type is marked as 'beforefieldinit'.
Bitmap bitmap = user.render(500, 500);
bitmap.Save("/home/nasser/projects/jn/fs/out.png", ImageFormat.Png);
public static double div(long a, long b)
return (double)a / (double)b;
public static double div(int a, int b)
return (double)a / (double)b;
public static double div(double a, double b)
return a / b;
public static double div(double a, int b)
return a / (double)b;
public static int @int(double x)
return (int)x;
public static double clamp(double x, double min, double max)
return (x >= min) ? ((max >= x) ? x : max) : min;
public static double norm(user.complex c)
return * + *;
public static Color mandelbrot-color(user.complex c)
long num = 1000L;
double num2 = 2.0;
double num3 = num2 * num2;
double num4 = 255.0;
double y = 0.2;
user.complex complex = default(user.complex);
long num5 = 0L;
while (core.and(user.norm(complex) < num3, num5 < num))
user.complex arg_66_0 = jn.core.add(jn.core.multiply(complex, complex), c);
num5 += 1L;
complex = arg_66_0;
Color arg_B3_0;
if (num5 < num)
double x = user.div(num5, num);
arg_B3_0 = Color.FromArgb((int)(num4 * (1.0 - System.Math.Pow(x, 0.25))), 0, (int)(num4 * System.Math.Pow(x, y)));
arg_B3_0 = Color.Black;
return arg_B3_0;
public static Bitmap render(int width, int height)
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);
double num = 2.0;
double num2 = jn.core.multiply(2L, num / (double)System.Math.Min(width, height));
int num3 = 0;
while (true)
double im = num2 * (user.div(height, 2) - (double)num3);
int num4 = 0;
while (true)
double re = num2 * jn.core.-(num4, user.div(width, 2));
Color color = user.mandelbrot-color(new user.complex(re, im));
bitmap.SetPixel(num4, num3, color);
if (num4 >= width)
if (num3 >= height)
return bitmap;
public static class jn
public static class core
public static double -(double a, double b)
return a - b;
public static double -(double a, int b)
return a - (double)b;
public static double -(int a, double b)
return (double)a - b;
public static double multiply(double x, int y)
return x * (double)y;
public static double multiply(long x, double y)
return (double)x * y;
public static user.complex add(user.complex x, user.complex y)
return new user.complex( +, +;
public static user.complex multiply(user.complex x, user.complex y)
return new user.complex( * - *, * + *;
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