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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Generates an Objective-C header file based on the selection.json file generated along by an font package
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
fail("Input file not specified") unless ARGV.length == 1
input = ARGV.first
fail("Input file #{input} not found") unless File.exists?(input)
result = JSON.parse ( input), :symbolize_names => true
icons = result[:icons]
defines = ""
puts "Processing #{icons.length} icons..."
icons.each do |elt|
props = elt[:properties]
name = "ICON-#{props[:name].upcase}"
# Will produce a define line with the following pattern: #define ICON-<name> "<unicode>"
defines << %Q<#define #{name} "\\u#{props[:code].to_s(16)}"\n>
fontFamily = result[:preferences][:fontPref][:metadata][:fontFamily]"IconHeader.h", "w") do |file|
file << %Q<static NSString *const kIconFamilyName = @"#{fontFamily}";\n\n>
file << defines
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