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Last active October 16, 2021 04:38
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ocaml-like `with` for Haxe
using WithMacro;
typedef Player = {
final name:String;
final level:Int;
class Main {
static function main() {
var player = {name: "Dan", level: 15};
static function levelUp(player:Player) {
return player.with(level = player.level + 1);
#if macro
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
using haxe.macro.Tools;
class WithMacro {
Return a copy of a structure, replacing given fields.
This provides an OCaml-like `with` syntax:
object.with(a = 13, b = "hi")
// is the same as
{a: 13, b: "hi", otherField: object.otherField}
public static macro function with<T:{}>(object:ExprOf<T>, overrides:Array<Expr>):ExprOf<T> {
// process given object expression and get its type
var type = Context.typeof(object);
// check that it's an anonymous structure and extract fields information
var fields = switch type.follow() {
case TAnonymous(_.get() => anon): anon.fields;
case _: throw new Error("Not an anonymous structure", object.pos);
var objectDecl:Array<ObjectField> = [];
var overriden = new Map();
// check field override argument expressions and add them to the new object declaration,
// as well as marking them as overriden for easier checking in the second part
for (expr in overrides) {
switch expr {
case macro $i{fieldName} = $value:
objectDecl.push({field: fieldName, expr: value});
overriden[fieldName] = true;
case {expr: EDisplay(macro null, DKMarked), pos: p}: // toplevel completion
var remainingFieldsCT = TAnonymous([
for (field in fields) if (!overriden.exists( {
pos: field.pos,
doc: field.doc,
kind: FVar(field.type.toComplexType())
return {pos: p, expr: EDisplay({pos: p, expr: EField(macro (null : $remainingFieldsCT), "")}, DKDot)};
case _:
throw new Error("Invalid override expression, should be field=value", expr.pos);
// add the rest of fields from this type (those that aren't overriden)
for (field in fields) {
var fieldName =;
if (!overriden.exists(fieldName)) {
// we use `tmp` as the reference for the original object, since we store it into a local var
objectDecl.push({field: fieldName, expr: macro @:pos(object.pos) tmp.$fieldName});
// construct object declaration expression
var expr = {expr: EObjectDecl(objectDecl), pos: Context.currentPos()};
// get the syntax representation of object's type
var ct = type.toComplexType();
// construct the whole resulting expression. it consists of three parts:
// - the `tmp` var declaration in which we store the original object
// - the generated new object declaration expression (that references `tmp` for non-overriden fields)
// - the type-check expression that ensures that our resulting expression is of correct type
return macro @:pos(expr.pos) ({ var tmp = $object; $expr; } : $ct);
// Generated by Haxe 4.0.0 (git build development @ eaf32fecd)
(function () { "use strict";
var Main = function() { };
Main.main = function() {
console.log("Main.hx:11:",Main.levelUp({ name : "Dan", level : 15}));
Main.levelUp = function(player) {
return { level : player.level + 1, name :};
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