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Last active July 30, 2017 18:45
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Map<String,Component> components;
public List<String> getComponentNames(String product){
return productDetails.get(product);
//given a product, return the sum of prices of it's components
//if anything fails, return that specific exception
public Either<Exception,Double> getProductPrice(String product){
return getComponentNames(product)
//from product name string, get componenet as Either<Exception,Component>
//given an Either<Exception, Component>, return it's price as Either<Exception,Double>
//given two Either<Exception,Double> prices, add their prices and make a new Either<Exception,Double>
.reduce((x,y)-> x.bind(xPrice -> y.bind(yPrice -> new Right<>(xPrice + yPrice))))
//get the final sum of prices as Either<Exception,Double>
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