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Last active October 14, 2017 14:59
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-- scope sensitive belongs
-- Unlike ∈, it does not allow scope insensitive proof of belongs
_∈s_ : (Name × Pointer) Env Set
(n , p) ∈s [] =
(n , p) ∈s ((n' , p') ∷ ρ') with n ==n n' | p ==n p'
... | false | _ = ( n , p ) ∈s ρ'
... | _ | false =
... | true | true =
env : Env
env = (y , 5) ∷ (x , 1) ∷ (z , 0) ∷(x , 0 ) ∷ []
p₁ : (x , 1) ∈s env
p₁ = tt
-- this cannot be proved (◕‿◕)
-- p₂ : (x , 0) ∈s env
-- p₂ = {!!}
x↦n∈ρ : {x n : Nat} {ρ : Env} (x , n) ∈s ((x , n ) ∷ ρ)
x↦n∈ρ {zero} {zero} = tt
x↦n∈ρ {suc x₁} {zero} = {!!}
x↦n∈ρ {zero} {suc n₁} = {!!}
x↦n∈ρ {suc x₁} {suc n₁} = {!!} -- x↦n∈ρ {x₁} {n₁}
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