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David Southard nacengineer

  • UW Madison, General Library System
  • Madison, WI
  • 21:08 (UTC -05:00)
View GitHub Profile
chrismccord /
Last active June 16, 2023 06:22
Phoenix 1.3.x to 1.4.0 Upgrade Guides

Phoenix 1.4 ships with exciting new features, most notably with HTTP2 support, improved development experience with faster compile times, new error pages, and local SSL certificate generation. Additionally, our channel layer internals receiveced an overhaul, provided better structure and extensibility. We also shipped a new and improved Presence javascript API, as well as Elixir formatter integration for our routing and test DSLs.

This release requires few user-facing changes and should be a fast upgrade for those on Phoenix 1.3.x.

Install the new project generator

The mix archive can now be installed via hex, for a simpler, versioned installation experience.

To grab the new archive, simply run:

mrmartineau /
Last active August 26, 2024 05:54
Stimulus cheatsheet
meandmax /
Last active February 2, 2021 08:09
Don’t use fat arrows in CoffeeScript just because of »this«

New Coffeescript programmers usually struggle with understanding the differences between -> and => function definitions. In order to clarify this common case of confusion, it helps to look at how such functions are compiled down to JavaScript.

class A

    constructor: () ->

 funcA: () ->
dideler /
Last active June 8, 2020 03:24
Upgrading PostgreSQL from 9.3 to 9.4 when upgrading Ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10


Create a backup:

pg_dumpall > mybackup.sql

Perform the upgrade:

sudo pg_dropcluster 9.4 main --stop
timmytofu /
Last active June 6, 2020 12:02 — forked from simonmichael/gist:1185421
ghc-pkg-clean and ghc-pkg-reset compatible with both zsh and bash
# unregister broken GHC packages. Run this a few times to resolve dependency rot in installed packages.
# ghc-pkg-clean -f cabal/dev/packages*.conf also works.
function ghc-pkg-clean() {
for p in `ghc-pkg check $* 2>&1 | grep problems | awk '{print $6}' | sed -e 's/:$//'`
echo unregistering $p; ghc-pkg $* unregister $p
# remove all installed GHC/cabal packages, leaving ~/.cabal binaries and docs in place.
tommarshall / simple_form.rb
Created August 22, 2013 14:58 — forked from clyfe/simple_form.rb
Bootstrap3 compatible simple_form initializer (with consistent Bootstrap 3 classes)
inputs = %w[
avdi / gist:5265908
Last active December 15, 2015 13:18
The great slide deck scavenger hunt!

Welcome to the great slide deck scavenger hunt!

I'm terrible at coming up with illustrations for slides, and I'm running out of time getting my slides together for my next talk. Alternatively, I am very lazy; that explanation works too. Anyway, I'm crowd-sourcing.

Below is a list of themes I need illustrations for. If you see one you know the perfect funny/poignant/memorable image for, please post it in the comments! Attribution hints are helpful too.

If I use your suggestion, I'll give you $5 your next purchase at my store (excluding RubyTapas; I don't have the ability to generate coupons for that yet).

I'll be adding more entries over the next day or so, so check back if you just can't get enough. I'll also cross off ones that I've picked an image for.

ryansobol / gist:5252653
Last active September 5, 2024 20:55
15 Questions to Ask During a Ruby Interview

Originally published in June 2008

When hiring Ruby on Rails programmers, knowing the right questions to ask during an interview was a real challenge for me at first. In 30 minutes or less, it's difficult to get a solid read on a candidate's skill set without looking at code they've previously written. And in the corporate/enterprise world, I often don't have access to their previous work.

To ensure we hired competent ruby developers at my last job, I created a list of 15 ruby questions -- a ruby measuring stick if you will -- to select the cream of the crop that walked through our doors.

What to expect

Candidates will typically give you a range of responses based on their experience and personality. So it's up to you to decide the correctness of their answer.

nacengineer /
Created February 6, 2013 16:14
Basic Unicorn nginx init.d file
upstream mysite {
server unix:/etc/unicorn/sockets/mysite.socket fail_timeout=0;
server {
client_max_body_size 2M;
keepalive_timeout 5;
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/
git clone git:// Package\ Control
cd Package\ Control
git checkout python3
# restart Sublime Text 3 and you should have Package Control working