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Last active June 27, 2024 15:44
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  • Save n9iels/f04d7d7170a5a0351f5ceabeef51ac51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save n9iels/f04d7d7170a5a0351f5ceabeef51ac51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
version = 2
final_space = true
console_title_template = '{{ .Shell }} in {{ .Folder }}'
disable_cursor_positioning = true
type = 'prompt'
alignment = 'left'
newline = true
type = 'path'
style = 'diamond'
foreground = 'p:white'
background = 'p:orange'
leading_diamond = ''
trailing_diamond = ''
template = '  {{ path .Path .Location }} '
style = 'full'
type = 'git'
style = 'powerline'
powerline_symbol = ''
foreground = 'p:black'
foreground_templates = ['{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}p:black{{ end }}', '{{ if or (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}p:white{{ end }}', '{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}p:white{{ end }}']
background = 'p:green'
background_templates = ['{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}p:yellow{{ end }}', '{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}p:red{{ end }}', '{{ if or (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}p:purple{{ end }}']
template = ' {{ if .UpstreamURL }}{{ url .UpstreamIcon .UpstreamURL }} {{ end }}{{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }}  {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}  {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }} '
branch_max_length = 25
fetch_status = true
fetch_upstream_icon = true
type = 'root'
style = 'powerline'
powerline_symbol = ''
foreground = 'p:white'
background = 'p:yellow'
template = ''
type = 'status'
style = 'diamond'
foreground = 'p:white'
background = 'p:blue'
background_templates = ['{{ if gt .Code 0 }}p:red{{ end }}']
leading_diamond = '<transparent,background></>'
trailing_diamond = ''
template = ' {{ if gt .Code 0 }}{{ else }}{{ end }} '
always_enabled = true
type = 'rprompt'
type = "executiontime"
foreground = 'p:red'
background = 'transparent'
template = "  {{ .FormattedMs }} "
threshold = 2000
style = "austin"
always_enabled = false
foreground = 'p:black'
background = 'transparent'
template = '<p:yellow,transparent></><,p:yellow> {{ .PWD }} </><p:yellow,transparent></> '
foreground = 'p:black'
background = 'transparent'
template = '<p:yellow,transparent></><,p:yellow> 󱞩 </><p:yellow,transparent></> '
black = '#262B44'
blue = '#4B95E9'
green = '#59C9A5'
orange = '#F07623'
red = '#D81E5B'
white = '#E0DEF4'
yellow = '#F3AE35'
purple = '#49416D'
# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.
export ZSH=/Users/nielsvanderveer/.oh-my-zsh
# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)``
# Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup.
plugins=(git docker aws ng zsh-autosuggestions copyfile sudo)
source $ZSH/
# User configuration
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"
# fnm
export PATH="/Users/nielsvanderveer/Library/Application Support/fnm:$PATH"
eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd)"
# fnm end
eval "$(oh-my-posh init zsh --config ~/.ohmyposh.toml)"
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",
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"terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled": "never",
"terminal.integrated.showLinkHover": false,
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": false,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[json]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": false
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"workbench.editor.enablePreview": false,
"redhat.telemetry.enabled": false,
"workbench.editor.wrapTabs": true,
"explorer.fileNesting.enabled": true,
"explorer.fileNesting.patterns": {
"*.js": "${capture}, ${capture}.min.js, ${capture}.d.ts",
"*.jsx": "${capture}.js",
"*.tsx": "${capture}.ts",
"tsconfig.json": "tsconfig.*.json",
"package.json": "package-lock.json, yarn.lock",
"*.ts": "${basename}.spec.ts"
"typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always",
"diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,
"workbench.colorTheme": "Default Dark+",
"javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": false,
"typescript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": false,
"nxConsole.showNodeVersionOnStartup": false,
"workbench.layoutControl.enabled": false,
"cSpell.userWords": [
"cSpell.language": "en,nl"
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