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Created August 31, 2023 22:01
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  • Save n0kovo/5027703733c741673f91edcd54c98d0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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SICK PIPEZ M8 (1337 h4x0r edition)


or: "A growing bunch of pseudo-one-liners from when I needed to accomplish something that turned into a shell scripting practice sesh instead because ADHD."

  • Get all subdomains from ProjectDiscovery Chaos

Parallel download jobs + extraction & parsing (pretty fucking fast). Requires: jq, unfurl

CORES_X2=$(( $(nproc) * 2 )); \
CORES_HALF=$(( $(nproc) / 2 )); \
export LC_ALL=C; \
echo "Downloading/Extracting..." && \
curl -s | \
jq -r -M '.[] | .URL' | \
parallel --will-cite --bar --max-args "$CORES_HALF" 'curl -sL {} | tar xO' | \
parallel --will-cite --block "$LINES_PER_BLOCK2" --spreadstdin 'unfurl format %S' | \
awk "{c[\$1]++} END {print \"Sorting lines...\" > \"/dev/stderr\"; for (i in c){print c[i],i}}" | \
sort -r -n -S1G --parallel="$CORES_X2" > chaos_subs.txt; \
echo 'Done!'
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