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ziaulrehman40 / VPS rails server
Last active December 13, 2022 09:37
Server setup on ubuntu VPS(DigitalOcean, EC2 or any other) for rails

Excellent GoRails Article(which is main source for this guide too). I did benefited from lot of other resources online as well.

Creating droplet on DigitalOcean(DO):

(Skip this if you are not using DO, and create your own VPS instance on the service of your choice. Steps below may still be helpful.)

There are few options for this step, DO provide us some pre built images for lot of platforms in which they have pre-installed nginx, node and other related dependencies for each image. Rails one is little outdated, I tried that but didn't go very well for me, you can give it a shot if you have enough time. For this guide we will go with bear bone ubuntu 18.04 server. While creating the droplet, you will be asked to set an ssh key, just generate an ssh key with ssh-keygen on your local system and copy contents of .pub file into the textbox provided.

ziaulrehman40 / CircleCI 2.0 Parallel builds SimpleCov coverage report merging locally
Last active August 30, 2020 15:10
CircleCI 2.0 Parallel builds SimpleCov coverage report merging locally

Simplecov aggregated coverage report from CircleCI 2.0 parallel builds (focused on storing locally/within CI containers as artifacts)

Problem Statement

We have Rails application which is running tests on circleCI 2.0, we have simplecov configured to track the coverage of our test suite. Now the problem is with parallelism enabled, we have partial coverage reports in all different containers according to the tests those containers ran.

We obviously want to have consolidated simplecov coverage report which actually shows us overall coverage report.

assembler / rfs.rb
Last active September 20, 2023 15:39
Ruby File Streaming - line by line
require "uri"
require "net/http"
class RemoteFileStream
def initialize(url, headers: {})
@uri = URI(url)
@headers = headers
def each_line(&block)