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myran2 /
Last active May 9, 2024 00:01
Mythic Fyrak macro guide - MD

Mythic Fyrak Macro/WA Setup & Troubleshooting

The Macro - You probably already have this from Smolderon prog


/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("LIQUID_PRIVATE_AURA_MACRO", true)


/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("NS_PA_MACRO", true)

Bonus stuff

  • Some people like including a Squeaky Bat use in their macro, so that you can see in logs when people pressed the macro.
    • The bats cost like 5-10k on the AH and are NOT consumed on use, so everyone in your raid only needs one.
  • This way, any casts of Squeaky Bat (179295) in logs would indicate a macro press.
void Pet::ResetSpecializationForAllPetsOf(Player* owner, Pet* onlinePet /*= NULL*/)
// spec. will be reset after this call, so we should remove the flag first
if (owner->HasAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_RESET_PET_TALENTS))
owner->RemoveAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_RESET_PET_TALENTS, true);
// if an online pet is supplied, reset its talents
if (onlinePet)