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Last active September 12, 2022 19:07
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Go code to peek N random Nerd Font icons
package main
import (
// Glyph Sets and Code Points
var ranges = []string{
// Seti-UI + Custom
// Devicons
// Font Awesome
// Font Awesome Extension
// Material Design Icons
// Weather
// Octicons
"f400-f4a9", "2665", "26A1",
// [Powerline Symbols]
"e0a0-e0a2", "e0b0-e0b3",
// Powerline Extra Symbols
"e0a3", "e0b4-e0c8", "e0ca", "e0cc-e0d4",
// IEC Power Symbols
"23fb-23fe", "2b58",
// Font Logos (Formerly Font Linux)
// Pomicons
// Codicons
const glyphsToPeek = 64
const glyphsInRow = 8
func main() {
var chars []int64
for _, r := range ranges {
rs := strings.Split(r, "-")
if len(rs) == 1 {
rs = append(rs, rs[0])
start, err := strconv.ParseInt(rs[0], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
end, err := strconv.ParseInt(rs[1], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
chars = append(chars, i)
fmt.Println("Glyphs:", len(chars))
for i := 0; i < glyphsToPeek; i++ {
ind := rand.Intn(len(chars))
fmt.Print(toChar(chars[ind]) + " ")
chars = append(chars[:ind], chars[ind+1:]...)
if i > 0 && (i+1)%glyphsInRow == 0 {
func toChar(i int64) string {
char, err := strconv.Unquote(fmt.Sprintf("'\\u%X'", i))
if err != nil {
return char
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