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Last active September 14, 2023 05:56
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local o = {
dBmin = -60, -- silence threshold in decibels
duration = 1 -- display duration in seconds
(require 'mp.options').read_options(o)
local dBmin = o.dBmin
local aof = mp.get_property('ao') == 'pulse' and 60 or 20
local sfmax = 60 * math.log(mp.get_property_number('volume-max') / 100, 10)
local aomax = 0
local function perform_dB(op, v, fmt, ao)
local f, dBmax
if ao == '' then
f = 60 ; dBmax = sfmax
f = aof ; dBmax = aomax
local dB = f * math.log(mp.get_property_number(ao..'volume') / 100, 10)
if op == 'add' then
dB = math.min(math.max(dBmin, (dB == -math.huge and dBmin or dB) + v), dBmax)
mp.commandv('osd-bar', 'set', ao..'volume', dB <= dBmin and 0 or 10^(2 + dB / f))
elseif op == 'set' then
dB = (v == '-inf') and dBmin or tonumber(v)
mp.commandv('osd-bar', 'set', ao..'volume', dB <= dBmin and 0 or 10^(2 + dB / f))
fmt = op
local vol = dB <= dBmin and '-∞' or string.format(fmt or '%+g',
math.floor(dB * 0x1p2 + 0.5) / 0x1p2)
mp.osd_message(string.format(ao:upper()..'Volume: %s dB%s', vol,
mp.get_property_bool(ao..'mute') and ' (Muted)' or ''), o.duration)
function(op, v, fmt) perform_dB(op, v, fmt, '') end)
function(op, v, fmt) perform_dB(op, v, fmt, 'ao-') end)
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